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August 31, 2021

Covid vaccine apartheid and the failure of global cooperation

Stephen Brown After the pandemic hit, scientists rapidly developed vaccines effective in preventing infection, serious illness and death. These breakthroughs presented humanity with an important test: could we deal with Covid-19 from a truly global perspective? Stephen Brown argues it's a test we are clearly failing Read more
August 30, 2021

How political leaders ‘securitise’ external threats to achieve their goals

Dionysios Stivas ‘Securitising’ an alleged external threat can be a convenient tool for political leaders to justify extreme measures and policies. Dionysios Stivas looks at the case of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s handling of asylum seekers in 2015 Read more
August 27, 2021

🌊 Harnessing illiberalism’s analytical leverage

Julian G. Waller Some contemporary political developments take inspiration from fascism. But analogies between modern anti-liberal reaction and earlier totalitarian ideologies tend to obscure more than they enlighten. The concept of illiberalism allows us to make cross-national, ideational comparisons – especially transhistorical ones, writes Julian G. Waller Read more
August 26, 2021

🦋 Proposing a taxonomy for democratic theory

Petra Guasti Petra Guasti takes inspiration from the natural world to propose a way to organise the taxonomy of democratic theory. In a joint effort, and using a three-step process akin to Linnaeus and Darwin, she suggests that democratic theorists could create an encyclopedia of democracies Read more
August 25, 2021

The new coalition government is the most diverse in Israel's history, and promises real change

Amnon Cavari In June 2021, after twelve consecutive years as Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was forced out of office. The coalition replacing him promises change, find Amnon Cavari, Maoz Rosenthal and Ilana Shpaizman. Whether it delivers on its promises is another question Read more
August 24, 2021

🌊 Citizens pay the highest price for illiberal governments

Akudo McGee Escalating rule of law crises in Poland and Hungary have led to calls for their expulsion from the European Union. Yet, argues Akudo McGee, such calls overlook the fact that the true losers of Polexit or Hungexit won’t be unruly governments Read more
August 23, 2021

🦋 We need democracy to be able to discuss democracy

Markus Pausch Collecting the words of democracy like butterflies is a worthwhile endeavour. But it doesn't work without normative valuation and a democratic context. The butterflies are not only around us, but in us! And they need an intact environment to survive, writes Markus Pausch Read more
August 22, 2021

🌊 The new leader of the Finns Party reinforces an illiberal turn

Emilia Palonen The Finns Party elected a new leader this weekend. The baton passed from Jussi Halla-aho to his radical right-hand woman Riikka Purra. This, writes Emilia Palonen, is a move that consolidates the Finns as a party of illiberal right-wingers Read more

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