We've found 12 articles matching your search phrase.
June 28, 2023

📐 Does promoting economic and social rights impede or fuel economic growth?

Elizabeth Kaletski
Elizabeth Kaletski and Susan Randolph explore the inherent links between human rights and the economy. They argue that economic and social rights (ESR) and economic growth are mutually reinforcing, and that prioritising ESR may be the best path towards improving both
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March 24, 2023

📐 Surveying the landscape of human rights data

Anne-Marie Brook
Accurate data are needed to track human rights performance worldwide. But the range of different data sources available can be confusing, especially to non-experts. Anne-Marie Brook and Kobe Amos explain what qualities set Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) data apart
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February 13, 2023

📐 The EU needs to rethink its human rights promotion in the South Caucasus

Laura Luciani
As the liberal norms promoted by the EU are fiercely contested, human rights groups in the South Caucasus face an insecure environment. Some propose alternatives to human rights promotion that challenge both the EU’s development paradigms and competing authoritarian agendas. Laura Luciani argues that we should take them seriously
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November 17, 2022

📐Turkey shows us why it's hard to resist human rights violations through the courts

Gabriela Patricia García García
Human rights organisations in Turkey face a predicament. In using the law to confront human rights violations by the government, they then experience those violations themselves. Legal mobilisation against democratic backsliding has its limits, argues Gabriela García García
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October 14, 2022

📐 Reintegration into China would cost Taiwan its empowerment rights

Stephen Bagwell
The case of Hong Kong shows that Chinese Communist Party dominance has a negative impact on empowerment rights. For Taiwan, though, it could end up much worse. Stephen Bagwell and Meridith LaVelle explore the potential outcomes of this scenario, using evidence from Hong Kong and data from the Human Rights Measurement Initiative
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October 3, 2022

📐 Measuring behaviour, not compliance

Kyle Reed
Human rights measurements are often used as a proxy for compliance with human rights law. Kyle Reed argues that this misrepresents compliance and may skew our understanding of how international law shapes human rights practices. Careful design and new methods, however, may help link human rights measurements and studies of compliance
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September 29, 2022

📐 Freedom of expression in Brazil suffers under Bolsonaro

Bruna Fontes de Azevedo Palma
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has raised international concern for spreading misinformation, and for his constant attacks on the media. Bruna Fontes de Azevedo Palma writes about Brazil's decline of the right to opinion and expression during Bolsonaro's presidency. She also speculates how this might influence the imminent presidential election
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August 31, 2022

📐 Money talks: the private sector's influence on human rights

Eduardo Burkle
The role of the private sector is often overlooked in evaluating a country’s performance on human rights. Eduardo Burkle and Ella Fraser explore new data showing how private sector actions can be damaging to human rights. The potential for the private sector to improve human rights exists, but is currently untapped
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August 30, 2022

📐 Children’s rights are at risk (but there’s more to the story)

Oliver Fiala
Around the world, children’s rights are at risk of abuse. But are all children (or rights) equally at risk? Oliver Fiala, Elizabeth Kaletski, and K. Anne Watson argue that more extensive and disaggregated data are vital for understanding the extent to which children’s rights are realised
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August 22, 2022

📐 El Salvador aims high but scores low on the right to education

Pablo C. Santos-Pineda
Pablo Santos-Pineda uses the Human Rights Measurement Initiative scores to evaluate El Salvador’s performance in fulfilling the right to education. This performance has been poor, and many children would benefit from strategic changes in its policies
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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