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political protest

January 6, 2023

♟️ Authoritarian practices with adjectives in China

Abbey Heffer Authoritarian regimes are not centralised monoliths. In China, authoritarian responses to protest can differ dramatically across localities. Abbey Heffer argues that research on regime-level authoritarianism often overlooks decentralisation. Studying aspects of authoritarianism, such as protest repression and concessions, requires a practice-based approach that reconciles national and localised authoritarianism Read more
November 4, 2022

How far-right groups survive against all the odds

Sabine Volk Germany’s largest far-right protest movement, PEGIDA, this month celebrates eight years of mobilisation and protest activity. Its survival, argues Sabine Volk, is a puzzle not explained by social movement theory. She explores an overlooked explanatory factor: PEGIDA's repetitive protest ritual Read more
August 12, 2022

♟️ Before categorising autocracies, we need to count them accurately

Edward Goldring Hager Ali launched this series by pointing out that 'we lack the terminology to do anything beyond counting non-democracies'. Yet Edward Goldring argues that we sometimes struggle to accurately do that. This raises troubling questions for analyses of non-democracies – and emphasises the importance of studying history Read more
August 10, 2022

The global spread of Extinction Rebellion through mass protest

Peter Gardner Extinction Rebellion was created in 2018 by a small band of activists in Bristol, UK. By summer 2021, it was active in 79 countries across all continents bar Antarctica. Pete Gardner, Tiago Carvalho and Maria Valenstain argue that mass protest was key to the movement’s spread around the globe Read more
January 28, 2022

A second 'Pink Tide’ rises in Latin America, but will it last?

Valesca Lima The advance of left-wing, progressive parties in Latin America is driven by the mismanagement of the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the failure of right-wing populism in the region, observes Valesca Lima Read more
January 18, 2022

Social class: an important determinant for protest mobilisation

Ivaylo Dinev More than one-third of all protest events in Bulgaria and Slovenia since the Great Recession were class-based. Workers’ mobilisations show durability, contends Ivaylo Dinev, though differences between sectors continue to exist Read more
October 20, 2021

🌊 Civil society organisations under pressure in the world’s biggest democracy

Soumi Banerjee Soumi Banerjee and Rishi Jha argue that the rising wave of illiberalism is causing a shift in state-civil society relationships around the world. In contemporary India, the government often targets NGOs, resulting in the partial or complete seizure of operations Read more
October 18, 2021

Small-scale social movements don't make news, but can influence higher education policy

Didem Türkoğlu Massive student protests attract media attention, but less globally televised protests might also help shape policy-making, writes Didem Türkoğlu. Even lesser-known movements can build alliances and put pressure on opposition parties to 'own' activists' issues. To trace these influences, however, we must pay closer attention to local and national news Read more

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