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political protest

July 10, 2024

⛓️ ‘The case for neutrality as academic freedom’: a response

Adam Standring Political neutrality in the face of injustice serves to maintain the status quo. Responding to Hana Kubátová’s blog piece, Adam Standring underlines the moral necessity of organisations like ECPR taking a strong political stance in the face of violence in Palestine and a crackdown on critical voices in the West Read more
March 11, 2024

🎭 Thailand and transnational protests in the digital age

Joakim Kreutz In an increasingly globalised and digital world, national borders are no longer constraints on political mobilisation, argue Joakim Kreutz and Anthi Antonia Makrogianni. Thailand's 2020 #MilkTeaAlliance protests show how shared identities created in online communities can form in reaction to online repression Read more
February 21, 2024

‘Democratic’ governments exploit protests to increase attacks on citizens' right to resist

Joseph Ward The rise of authoritarian politics in ‘formal democracies’ across Europe has been met with various forms of protest. Some of these movements have achieved partial success. But evidence from the UK and France suggests that neoliberal governments are harnessing such resistance to accelerate authoritarianism and hostility towards marginalised people, write Joseph Ward and Thomas Da Costa Vieira Read more
February 9, 2024

'No single men please, we're Irish': why crime and security matter in far-right discourse

Claire Hamilton Recent protests against the housing of single male asylum seekers in Ireland highlight the crucial role played by security in far-right discourse. Claire Hamilton argues that we need to think more about the ‘dangerous Others’ at the heart of populism’s appeal Read more
December 11, 2023

🎭 The Brazilian mental health movement: transforming democracy, one stitch at a time

Lucas N. Veloso By stitching together new alliances, we can assemble united yet internally diverse collective identities, leading the way toward democratic transformations. Lucas Veloso explores the transformative carnival protests of the Brazilian mental health movement Read more
August 31, 2023

🔮 Populism and protest at the ballot box

Alexander Langenkamp Alexander Langenkamp and Simon Bienstman argue that populist parties appeal strongly to citizens who feel vulnerable and discontented in ways that may be more than just political. This is an important explanatory factor of the electoral success of populist parties as a symptom of 'protest at the ballot box' Read more
July 31, 2023

Crackdown on Pride Walks in Turkey: homophobia and the 2023 elections

Didem Unal Abaday In Turkey, LGBTI+ events and pressures on queer people’s right to assembly face increasing restrictions. This, writes Didem Unal Abaday, will only get worse with democratic decline. In the new parliamentary term after the 2023 elections, democratic backsliding is turning political homophobia into state policy Read more
February 28, 2023

How ideological polarisation drives protest against Covid containment measures

Sophia Hunger In recent years, demonstrations against containment measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 have dominated the protest landscape. Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter and Eylem Kanol explain what drives individuals from passive sympathy to active participation. They find that political and ideological attitudes, rather than 'biographical availability', play a critical role Read more

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