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August 23, 2021

🦋 We need democracy to be able to discuss democracy

Markus Pausch Collecting the words of democracy like butterflies is a worthwhile endeavour. But it doesn't work without normative valuation and a democratic context. The butterflies are not only around us, but in us! And they need an intact environment to survive, writes Markus Pausch Read more
August 20, 2021

🦋 Collecting notions of democracy

Maija Setälä Democratic renewal demands openness to different understandings of democracy, and reflection on our preconceptions. Maija Setälä argues that it also requires analytical clarity and normative commitment Read more
August 13, 2021

🦋 On not rescuing an abandoned science of democracy

Matthew Flinders Launching this series, Jean-Paul Gagnon made the case for ‘a database of democracy’ to grasp the conceptual complexity that other theorists have, he suggests, generally skirted around. Matthew Flinders disputes whether a taxonomical approach really is the answer to the question ‘What is democracy?’ Read more
August 12, 2021

Party system ‘closure’ and its impact on democracy

Zsolt Enyedi Over time, European party systems develop ‘closure’. Zsolt Enyedi and Fernando Casal Bértoa analyse how this happens, and what impact it has on European democracy Read more
August 10, 2021

Holding elections in Libya is not a solution to the country’s deep-seated problems

Hager Ali Only a few months remain before elections in Libya. But Western policymakers are focusing on election preparations and the withdrawal of foreign mercenaries, to the neglect of other pressing matters. Hager Ali argues that unless Libya tackles its political and military problems, elections may prove little more than a sticking plaster on a bullet wound Read more
August 6, 2021

🌊 Back to the future: illiberal democracy feeds on fascist ghosts

Luca Manucci Luca Manucci, in a panoramic survey of the rise of illiberalism in our times, argues that this trend is feeding on authoritarian historical legacies and memories which are being rewritten before our eyes. It is an exercise all democrats should challenge, and resist Read more
August 5, 2021

🦋 Democracy: what's in a word?

Laurence Whitehead Democracy may have different meanings in different cultures. Yet, writes Laurence Whitehead, the concept of democracy also operates at a universal level where users can communicate with each other across time and space Read more
July 29, 2021

Political institutions in authoritarian regimes may look democratic, but they reinforce the rulers’ power base

Zeynep MenteÅŸoÄŸlu Tardivo Zeynep Mentesoglu Tardivo analyses the role played by nominally democratic political institutions in authoritarian regimes. She argues that rulers design such institutions to consolidate their power base, even at the cost of economic and political development Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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