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November 17, 2021

Turkish foreign policy on a slippery path towards the Russia-China axis

Ziya Öniş
In recent years, Turkish foreign policy has oscillated between traditional alignments with the West, and a new Eastern orientation. Partnerships with Russia and China are becoming increasingly important, write Ziya Öniş and Mustafa Kutlay. Yet Turkey must be firmly anchored to the club of democratic states to regain its benign regional and global role
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November 9, 2021

An increasingly Eurosceptic French electorate threatens the EU

Giovanni Capoccia
Giovanni Capoccia argues that the 2022 French Presidential elections could constitute a greater threat to the EU than any current challenge. Although unlikely at present, a Eurosceptic French President would precipitate the greatest crisis in the EU’s history – and there is still much to play for
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November 3, 2021

Boris Johnson wants net zero by 2050. Are his voters behind him?

Tim Bale
The UK may be in the limelight at COP26, with the government having set highly ambitious targets for net zero by 2050. But, Tim Bale argues, evidence suggests that parts of the British electorate – largely Tory supporters – may be sceptical about the merits of the policy
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October 20, 2021

🌊 Civil society organisations under pressure in the world’s biggest democracy

Soumi Banerjee
Soumi Banerjee and Rishi Jha argue that the rising wave of illiberalism is causing a shift in state-civil society relationships around the world. In contemporary India, the government often targets NGOs, resulting in the partial or complete seizure of operations
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September 27, 2021

Sport and politics do mix, but match results don’t swing elections

Stefan Müller
Several studies have suggested that 'irrelevant events' outside politicians’ control, like sports results or lotteries, affect voting behaviour. Such findings raise worrying questions for democracy. Yet, write Stefan Müller and Liam Kneafsey, these concerns may be overstated. In Ireland, a country with a strong sporting tradition, match outcomes do not influence citizens’ assessments of government performance, or voting behaviour
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September 18, 2021

The EU’s human rights policy is deficient, but not in the way you might think

Johanne Døhlie Saltnes
The EU often faces criticism for conducting an inconsistent and arbitrary human rights policy. This critique is misguided and overlooks a more fundamental problem with the policy, argues Johanne Døhlie Saltnes: that it tends to be executive-driven, precluding the participation of individuals and affected groups
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September 16, 2021

🦋 What is democracy? An empirical response to the Butterfly Collector

Leonardo Morlino
Jean-Paul Gagnon's original blog in this series asked ‘what is democracy?’ Leonardo Morlino brings an empirical perspective to this question. Contextualising and unpacking it, he then develops an empirical strategy of research for democrats to follow
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September 13, 2021

Threats to states’ identity are equally important as threats to state borders

Gabriella Gricius
States face not just threats to their physical security, but also to their sense of self and biographical continuity. This is what we call securitisation. Understanding the process of securitisation can uncover taken-for-granted colonial and imperial influences that would otherwise remain hidden, writes Gabriella Gricius
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September 2, 2021

EU international LGBTI rights promotion: coherent, consistent and effective?

Markus Thiel
The EU’s promotion of LGBTI human rights has provoked disputes over these rights, and the way they are promoted. Focusing on civil pluralism and democratic consolidation would make the EU a more reflective and effective actor, argues Markus Thiel
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August 26, 2021

🦋 Proposing a taxonomy for democratic theory

Petra Guasti
Petra Guasti takes inspiration from the natural world to propose a way to organise the taxonomy of democratic theory. In a joint effort, and using a three-step process akin to Linnaeus and Darwin, she suggests that democratic theorists could create an encyclopedia of democracies
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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