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August 4, 2021

Argentina’s social and economic crisis is actually a crisis of democracy

Sergio Ricardo Quiroga As Argentina heads for primary and then legislative elections in September, Sergio Ricardo Quiroga assesses the state of Argentinian politics through election build-up in a single province, San Luis. He finds that Argentina’s socioeconomic crisis cannot be resolved without first confronting its crisis of democracy Read more
July 16, 2021

Exploiting migrants can help criminal groups expand to new countries

Gemma Dipoppa The emergence of criminal organisations has been blamed on state weakness. But recent trends in organised crime expansion show that criminal groups often move to states with strong economies and institutions. As mafias establish permanent roots in new countries, Gemma Dipoppa suggests that migrant exploitation might play an important role Read more
June 15, 2021

Bloodthirsty Brazilian police have redefined what it means to be a criminal

Fernanda Barasuol Police brutality is not new in Brazil. But the shocking events at Jacarezinho are also symptomatic of rising conservative politics in the country, write Fernanda Barasuol and Thiago Borne Read more
May 24, 2021

How corruption drives political participation – and the people most likely to mobilise

Martín Portos The fight against corruption has been at the heart of recent mass protests across the world. But does corruption drive political participation, and if so, who is it mobilising? Research by Raffaele Bazurli and Martín Portos suggests – counterintuitively – that people with less education are the most likely to rise up Read more
April 26, 2021

Voting for the 'lesser evil': the Peruvian Presidential election

Lucía Dammert On 6 June, amid a profound health and economic crisis, presidential elections take place in Peru. Voting for the lesser of two evils is not new, writes Lucia Dammert, yet the 2021 election deepens Peru's political deterioration and further weakens its democratic governance Read more
April 8, 2021

Conspiracy theories are everywhere amid the pandemic. Politicians should face up to their role in helping to peddle them

Annemarie Walter During the coronacrisis, conspiracy theories have proliferated, and politicians who use them for political gain are – at least partly – to blame. Let the January attack on the US Capitol be a warning to Europe, write Annemarie Walter and Hugo Drochon Read more
March 25, 2021

Volodymyr Zelensky has upped the ante in his fight against pro-Russian propaganda. But is his latest move a miscalculation?

Kiryl Kascian In February 2021, Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky banned three TV channels branded pro-Russian propaganda. Sanctions and criminal charges against politicians and public figures followed. But these measures, argues Kiryl Kascian, cannot help Ukraine's counter-Russian strategy Read more
March 9, 2021

Sarkozy’s wayward journey… to prison?

Alistair Cole Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been found guilty of corruption and misuse of influence. Alistair Cole traces Sarkozy’s misfortunes in part to his personal political style, but also, more profoundly, to a broader move towards transparency that has pitted judges against politicians Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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