Jamie Shenk
Colombian voters rejected the political establishment, voting 'outsider' politicians into the run-off for the Colombian presidency. However, understanding who didn’t vote in Colombia’s election tells us more about the state of Colombia’s democracy, writes Jamie Shenk Read more
Valesca Lima
The advance of left-wing, progressive parties in Latin America is driven by the mismanagement of the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the failure of right-wing populism in the region, observes Valesca Lima Read more
Sergio Ricardo Quiroga
As Argentina heads for primary and then legislative elections in September, Sergio Ricardo Quiroga assesses the state of Argentinian politics through election build-up in a single province, San Luis. He finds that Argentina’s socioeconomic crisis cannot be resolved without first confronting its crisis of democracy Read more
Elena Cossu
China has delivered vaccines to Latin America on an extraordinary scale. We must understand this in the context of China’s long-term aspirations as a rising power in the international order. Elena Cossu argues that Chinese vaccine diplomacy directly challenges the already declining US authority in the region Read more
Fernanda Barasuol
Police brutality is not new in Brazil. But the shocking events at Jacarezinho are also symptomatic of rising conservative politics in the country, write Fernanda Barasuol and Thiago Borne Read more
Julieta Suárez-Cao
Chile’s constitutional reform started after massive social protests in 2019. With gender parity, reserved seats for indigenous people, and a significant number of seats for independent delegates, Julieta Suarez-Cao argues that the country's assembly is on track to rebuild democratic legitimacy in the years to come Read more
Marta Mendes da Rocha
Despite their constitutional powers, South American presidents have not managed the Covid-19 pandemic effectively, write Marta Rocha, Luciana Santana and Magna Inácio. This is worrying in a region desperate to overcome economic decline, inequality, unemployment, and extreme poverty Read more