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Eastern European Politics

March 28, 2022

Why Putin’s invasion of Ukraine had to happen

Grant Dawson Grant Dawson and Nicholas Ross Smith argue that the West’s sweeping sanctions, isolation of Russia and passive-aggressive military support for Ukraine is fundamentally misguided. The problem with the US-led response is that it ignores – in fact, exacerbates – the deep-rooted ontological security concerns behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion Read more
March 21, 2022

🌊 Change is possible in Hungary

Andrew Richard Ryder Since 2010, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has carried through measures that have undermined the rule of law, with no prospect for changing this trajectory. However, argues Andrew Richard Ryder, current events present opportunities for a return to democratic values in Hungary Read more
March 7, 2022

A welcome for Ukrainian refugees, but not those from the Middle East

Irene Landini Eastern European governments show a high degree of solidarity towards Ukrainian asylum seekers fleeing the conflict provoked by the Russian invasion. At the same time, these governments continue to resist asylum seekers from the Middle East. Irene Landini explains the geographical, cultural and political factors behind this contradiction. Read more
February 11, 2022

Confront climate change – not Russia!

Ian Budge The climate catastrophe has been forgotten, Ian Budge argues, as NATO extends itself up to the Russian border. Stopping Russia destroying its natural environment should be the real imperative for the West. Recognising this would soften both sides’ aggressive reactions and ease the way to an equable settlement over Ukraine. Read more
February 4, 2022

Putin's high-risk poker game in Ukraine

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that Putin’s power play over Ukraine, while being driven by the West’s current weakness, serves neither Russia or the West. The two sides should, instead, lower tensions and address together several long-standing issues at the heart of current international instability Read more
January 18, 2022

Social class: an important determinant for protest mobilisation

Ivaylo Dinev More than one-third of all protest events in Bulgaria and Slovenia since the Great Recession were class-based. Workers’ mobilisations show durability, contends Ivaylo Dinev, though differences between sectors continue to exist Read more
November 24, 2021

Third time lucky? The Bulgarian parliamentary elections

Dragomir Stoyanov The third consecutive parliamentary elections in just seven months have turned up the political heat in Bulgaria, writes Dragomir Stoyanov. Record low turnout, along with the election of new party We Continue the Change, will lead to the formation of a new government – albeit a fragile one Read more
November 10, 2021

The state of Polish-EU relations reflects geopolitical and ideological clashes

Filip Ilkowski Relations between Poland and the EU have reached a nadir with the recent clash between the Polish Constitutional Court and the European Union Court of Justice. This conflict, argues Filip Ilkowski, reflects much deeper divisions connected to EU geopolitics and ideological clashes in Polish society Read more

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