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International Development

August 5, 2022

Does the International Monetary Fund undermine human security?

Bernhard Reinsberg The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is not only a ‘lender of last resort’ but also a security actor. New data and analysis from Bernhard Reinsberg and Daniel Shaw at the University of Glasgow shows that IMF interventions often have a negative effect on human security Read more
April 12, 2022

Rethinking the international peace architecture

Oliver P. Richmond Global ideological struggle and counter-peace processes have had grave consequences for the international peace architecture. Oliver P. Richmond and Sandra Pogodda highlight the need for a knowledge-based, emancipatory renewal Read more
March 9, 2022

The challenges of gender integration in development

Joyce Wu Addressing gender inequality is a critical aspect of international development. So why has progress been so slow? Joyce Wu considers the roadblocks on the path of gender and development. Here, she focuses on institutional resistance, and suggests how to break it down Read more
March 8, 2022

Bicycles could ‘build back stronger’ post-Covid – but may have unintended consequences

Lyndsay Hayhurst Women and girls’ increased access to bicycles can support sustainable development, says the UN. Yet, write Lyndsay Hayhurst and Mitchell McSweeney, the bicycle may also exacerbate gender inequality Read more
December 10, 2021

Real transformation is necessary for the European Union in global development

Sebastian Steingass According to the European Union, the time of aid donors and recipients is over. But the transition towards policies and equal partnerships conducive to global development remains elusive. Sebastian Steingass argues that it is doubtful whether such transition is sufficient to overcome the EU's post-colonial legacies Read more
September 24, 2021

The ‘Global South’ and research on world politics

Sebastian Haug The ‘Global South’ has become a popular meta category in the practice and study of world politics. Making use of its analytical potential, Sebastian Haug argues, requires an explicit engagement with definitions, meanings and the implications of taken-for-granted framings Read more
September 18, 2021

The EU’s human rights policy is deficient, but not in the way you might think

Johanne Døhlie Saltnes The EU often faces criticism for conducting an inconsistent and arbitrary human rights policy. This critique is misguided and overlooks a more fundamental problem with the policy, argues Johanne Døhlie Saltnes: that it tends to be executive-driven, precluding the participation of individuals and affected groups Read more
August 31, 2021

Covid vaccine apartheid and the failure of global cooperation

Stephen Brown After the pandemic hit, scientists rapidly developed vaccines effective in preventing infection, serious illness and death. These breakthroughs presented humanity with an important test: could we deal with Covid-19 from a truly global perspective? Stephen Brown argues it's a test we are clearly failing Read more

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