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May 21, 2021

'I can't breathe!' – but this time, it's India

Vittorio Bufacchi India is the seventh-richest country in the world. Yet it recently recorded the highest-ever daily death toll from Covid-19. It's a disaster, write Vittorio Bufacchi and Urmi Bhattacharyya, caused by India’s gross inequalities, along with misguided political decisions and policies throughout the country's pandemic response Read more
May 19, 2021

How South America’s leaders have mishandled the Covid-19 pandemic

Marta Mendes da Rocha Despite their constitutional powers, South American presidents have not managed the Covid-19 pandemic effectively, write Marta Rocha, Luciana Santana and Magna Inácio. This is worrying in a region desperate to overcome economic decline, inequality, unemployment, and extreme poverty Read more
April 14, 2021

Pandemic-era travel has been restricted worldwide, but not everyone has been affected equally

Lorenzo Piccoli International travel restrictions introduced during the pandemic constrained our freedom to travel. To understand how, we must look at the interaction between immigration status, citizenship, employment, and place of residence, write Lorenzo Piccoli, Jelena Dzankic, Timothy Jacob-Owens and Didier Ruedin Read more
April 8, 2021

Conspiracy theories are everywhere amid the pandemic. Politicians should face up to their role in helping to peddle them

Annemarie Walter During the coronacrisis, conspiracy theories have proliferated, and politicians who use them for political gain are – at least partly – to blame. Let the January attack on the US Capitol be a warning to Europe, write Annemarie Walter and Hugo Drochon Read more
April 1, 2021

Amid the pandemic Bolsonaro intimidates critics with dictatorship-era law

Eduardo Burkle President Jair Bolsonaro faces criticism from the media and civil society for his disastrous response to the pandemic. Reviving National Security Law to intimidate critics is more than a nod to Brazil's authoritarian past, writes Eduardo Burkle Read more
March 30, 2021

The Liberal Party once again emerges as the largest party in the Dutch pandemic election

Joop Van Holsteyn Coronavirus dominated the Dutch elections to the virtual exclusion of all else. The outcome, write Joop van Holsteyn and Galen Irwin, is a parliament with a record number of parties. Although the current coalition has sufficient seats to return to power, this may not happen. The Liberal Party again has the biggest share, and it is likely Mark Rutte will return as Minister-President Read more
March 18, 2021

What explains Germany’s conversion to common European Union debt?

Lucas Schramm In 2020 Germany promoted a bold European response to the corona crisis, involving common EU debt. This contrasts starkly with its position a decade before, when it favoured austerity over fiscal stimulus and debt pooling. Lucas Schramm and Amandine Crespy argue that the specific nature of the corona crisis reconfigured Germany’s national interests in Europe Read more
March 15, 2021

Covid-19 has been a double-edged sword for experts – with worrying consequences for democracy

Mirko Heinzel The pandemic has led to an increase in experts' authority – yet substantial contestation of their expertise, write Mirko Heinzel and Andrea Liese. This polarisation poses a risk for proper public deliberation and the fight against Covid Read more

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