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October 15, 2021

Rome under assault: Italian fascism rears its ugly head

Martin Bull Protests have broken out in Rome against the extension of Italy’s Covid Green Pass to the workplace. They quickly deteriorated into violence and assault, exploited by the fascist group Forza Nuova. This, argues Martin Bull, has reignited the debate about Italy’s fascist heritage, and led to calls on Prime Minister Draghi to dissolve the group Read more
September 9, 2021

Argentina's government has lost credibility, risking its chances in forthcoming elections

Sergio Ricardo Quiroga is, argues Sergio Ricardo Quiroga, undermines the electoral prospects of the main governing party Read more
August 31, 2021

Covid vaccine apartheid and the failure of global cooperation

Stephen Brown After the pandemic hit, scientists rapidly developed vaccines effective in preventing infection, serious illness and death. These breakthroughs presented humanity with an important test: could we deal with Covid-19 from a truly global perspective? Stephen Brown argues it's a test we are clearly failing Read more
July 8, 2021

Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Latin America could change the international order

Elena Cossu China has delivered vaccines to Latin America on an extraordinary scale. We must understand this in the context of China’s long-term aspirations as a rising power in the international order. Elena Cossu argues that Chinese vaccine diplomacy directly challenges the already declining US authority in the region Read more
June 25, 2021

Safeguarding German democracy during the pandemic

Sabine Volk Actors from across the political spectrum, including the populist far right, have voiced concerns about safeguarding democracy amid the coronacrisis, writes Sabine Volk. But their different understandings of democracy reveal Germany’s political polarisation, rather than its unity Read more
June 16, 2021

How ‘mask diplomacy’ helps cultivate a positive image of China abroad

Samuel Brazys China seeks to control the international narrative on its role in the pandemic. But while Beijing cannot always deflect criticism, its mask diplomacy efforts and external propaganda streams do affect China’s image, write Samuel Brazys, Alexander Dukalskis and Stefan Müller Read more
June 14, 2021

A voice worth hearing: the European Parliament’s first response to Covid-19

Stefano Braghiroli The EU has activated a Covid recovery package worth a staggering €672.5 billion. Observers focus on the role of European capitals, inter-governmental institutions, and the European Commission's coordinating role in delivering it. Yet, argues Stefano Braghiroli, we shouldn't ignore the role of the European Parliament... Read more
May 22, 2021

Vaccine prices may become a political powder keg

Felix Stein Taking health equity seriously during the pandemic requires some minimal degree of vaccine price control. Countries should make vaccine contract details public, specify a fair price, and outline how they plan to meet it, argues Felix Stein Read more

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