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political participation

May 28, 2021

In search of legitimacy: the Chilean road to a new constitution

Julieta Suárez-Cao Chile’s constitutional reform started after massive social protests in 2019. With gender parity, reserved seats for indigenous people, and a significant number of seats for independent delegates, Julieta Suarez-Cao argues that the country's assembly is on track to rebuild democratic legitimacy in the years to come Read more
May 24, 2021

How corruption drives political participation – and the people most likely to mobilise

Martín Portos The fight against corruption has been at the heart of recent mass protests across the world. But does corruption drive political participation, and if so, who is it mobilising? Research by Raffaele Bazurli and Martín Portos suggests – counterintuitively – that people with less education are the most likely to rise up Read more
March 29, 2021

The Conference on the Future of Europe lacks a clear conception of democratic authorisation

Markus Patberg The Conference on the Future of Europe aims to produce proposals for EU ureform in a participatory manner. Yet, writes Markus Patberg, its setup suggests top-down steering, and lacks a clear conception of democratic authorisation. The envisaged forms of broad but unsystematic inclusion might even be counterproductive to the declared goal of empowering citizens Read more
March 26, 2021

After the 2021 Dutch general election, can Volt become a genuine pan-European force?

Benjamin Leruth A new European party, Volt, debuted in the Tweede Kamer following last week's Dutch elections. The party faces challenges, but it could play a role in domestic political landscapes throughout Europe, writes Benjamin Leruth Read more
March 10, 2021

To understand the relative absence of disabled people in politics we need to look beyond stereotypes

Stefanie Reher Disabled people are underrepresented in elected office, so it's unlikely that public policy will reflect the interests of the 15% of the population living with disability. Stefanie Reher argues that we need to better understand the causes, and consequences, of such low representation Read more
January 26, 2021

The so-called crisis of political parties is, in fact, evidence of their adaption. Here's why

Elisa Volpi Political distrust and reduced party identification suggest that political parties are in crisis. Elisa Volpi argues that parties are not in terminal decline, but undergoing a process of adaptation Read more
December 21, 2020

Brexit and depression: the politics of mental health

Luca Bernardi Luca Bernardi and Robert Johns explore whether clinical depression may have contributed to Brexit. The striking evidence of depression influencing political attitudes suggests that connections between the two should be more thoroughly explored, especially as they show the potential to breed political alienation Read more
December 2, 2020

Is friendship the most important solution to the Covid-19 pandemic?

Ruairidh Brown The pandemic has revealed the importance of civic solidarity and public trust, writes Ruairidh Brown. But they function best in a context of ‘friendship', a concept which needs to be recognised as central to political thinking in a post-Covid world Read more

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