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liberal democracy

October 5, 2022

🦋 Understanding democracy without the ‘D-word’

Yida Zhai Public perceptions of democracy are diverse, and some even see democracy in authoritarian regimes. So directly using ‘democracy’ in surveys is prone to elicit biased responses. Therefore, Yida Zhai argues, it is necessary to conceptualise and operationalise democracy in an alternative manner without using the ‘D-word’ Read more
September 26, 2022

🦋 Minben 民本 as an alternative to liberal democracy

Rongxin Li Democracy is unconsciously linked to 'the West', avers Rongxin Li, especially Anglo-Saxon-type governmental arrangements such as liberal democracy. Seeing how our planet speaks about 'democracy' to those who can hear it, all forms of 'democracy', like Minben, should be on an even standing with Western models Read more
September 23, 2022

🌊 Far-right populism and the neoliberal exclusionary state

Valentina Ausserladscheider Across the globe, rar-right populism is on the rise. Its exclusionary nationalist nature poses a threat for liberal democracies. Taking Austria as a case study, Valentina Ausserladscheider explains the less obvious ways far-right populist nationalism can become deeply entangled with neoliberal economic policymaking Read more
September 20, 2022

🦋 Democracy as a way of living

Sonia Bussu Sonia Bussu argues that the way we understand democracy has been colonised by ‘liberal democracy’ and capitalism. As a result, democracy is far removed from our daily lives. We need to free ourselves from these constraints to see the possible alternatives, which are embodied in democracy as a way of living Read more
May 16, 2022

We need rebellion to confront new disruptive technologies

Felipe Arocena The internet has not, as many hoped, delivered positive change for democracy. But according to Felipe Arocena, there is still a meaningful way to confront the authoritarian advances of new technological powers and reinforce democracy – rebellion Read more
May 10, 2022

🌊 Christian democracy is to blame for Europe’s democratic backsliding

Martino Comelli Christian democracy is the political culture that has been the driving force behind European integration. Yet, according to Martino Comelli, it has also facilitated the democratic backsliding of some countries of central and east Europe by providing an illiberal political toolbox of narratives and policies Read more
March 24, 2022

🌊 Anti-democratic or exclusionary? Illiberalism's undertows matter

Jasper T. Kauth Not all illiberalisms are the same, argues Jasper T. Kauth. While anti-democratic, disruptive illiberalism and anti-liberal, ideological illiberalism may act simultaneously, analysing them individually will help us identify drivers of this phenomenon. Read more
December 9, 2021

Western countries use resettlement policies strategically

Philipp Lutz Western countries repeatedly point to resettlement – the organised transfer of refugees to a safe third country – as a solution to persistent humanitarian crises. Yet, Philipp Lutz and Lea Portmann show how such resettlement can, paradoxically, be a way for states to legitimise limiting access to humanitarian protection Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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