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international relations

September 24, 2021

The ‘Global South’ and research on world politics

Sebastian Haug The ‘Global South’ has become a popular meta category in the practice and study of world politics. Making use of its analytical potential, Sebastian Haug argues, requires an explicit engagement with definitions, meanings and the implications of taken-for-granted framings Read more
September 2, 2021

EU international LGBTI rights promotion: coherent, consistent and effective?

Markus Thiel The EU’s promotion of LGBTI human rights has provoked disputes over these rights, and the way they are promoted. Focusing on civil pluralism and democratic consolidation would make the EU a more reflective and effective actor, argues Markus Thiel Read more
August 31, 2021

Covid vaccine apartheid and the failure of global cooperation

Stephen Brown After the pandemic hit, scientists rapidly developed vaccines effective in preventing infection, serious illness and death. These breakthroughs presented humanity with an important test: could we deal with Covid-19 from a truly global perspective? Stephen Brown argues it's a test we are clearly failing Read more
July 8, 2021

Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Latin America could change the international order

Elena Cossu China has delivered vaccines to Latin America on an extraordinary scale. We must understand this in the context of China’s long-term aspirations as a rising power in the international order. Elena Cossu argues that Chinese vaccine diplomacy directly challenges the already declining US authority in the region Read more
June 16, 2021

How ‘mask diplomacy’ helps cultivate a positive image of China abroad

Samuel Brazys China seeks to control the international narrative on its role in the pandemic. But while Beijing cannot always deflect criticism, its mask diplomacy efforts and external propaganda streams do affect China’s image, write Samuel Brazys, Alexander Dukalskis and Stefan Müller Read more
May 12, 2021

How dictatorships manage their image

Alexander Dukalskis Authoritarian states deliberately use a number of tools to manage their image internationally, writes Alexander Dukalskis. Creating positive news, distracting and silencing critique, and shaping elite opinion help make the world safer for dictatorships Read more
May 7, 2021

Why the EU needs to become more open towards different understandings of climate justice

Franziskus von Lucke The pandemic still dominates headlines, yet political attention must soon refocus on a crisis even more fundamental: climate change. Franziskus von Lucke argues that to deal with the climate crisis, actors such as the EU must recognise different understandings of global climate justice Read more
May 6, 2021

How states manage international censure: Norway's response to criticism of its Child Welfare Services

Kristin Haugevik When states are criticised, they normally recognise, reject or counter the critique. Yet they could listen to and contain criticism without directly rejecting or recognising it. Using criticism of Norway’s Child Welfare Services as an example, Kristin Haugevik and Cecilie Basberg Neumann show that diplomatic containment can prevent conflict accelerating and then damaging bilateral relations […] Read more

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