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April 27, 2022

Coronavirus restrictions: fear is no substitute for trust

Ben Seyd Can policymakers expect people to comply with official health restrictions out of fear rather than because they trust the government? Ben Seyd suggests the answer is no. Governments still need trust to motivate citizens to comply with important collective rules. Read more
April 4, 2022

Germany’s civil-military relations are a multi-partisan failure

Hager Ali Years of austerity has stifled Germany’s army, the Bundeswehr, but Hager Ali argues that money is the least of it. Salvaging the Bundeswehr means reconfiguring German military professionalism – and fixing its relations with the public Read more
March 30, 2022

Founded for peace, spending for defence: the EU and the invasion of Ukraine

Valentina Ausserladscheider Germany's recently announced increase in defence spending reflects a broader European shift in response to the war in Ukraine. Using the concept of path dependency, Valentina Ausserladscheider believes that this shift breaks with the founding idea of peace in the European Union Read more
March 16, 2022

How opposition parties can challenge government dominance in parliamentary democracies

Thomas König Thomas König, Nick Lin, and Thiago N. Silva argue that opposition can challenge government agenda dominance in parliaments through the control of committee chairs. This also impacts how coalition partners manage governance. Read more
March 10, 2022

International Women's Day and citizen engagement on social media

Stefan Wallaschek Stefan Wallaschek, Kavyanjali Kaushik, Monika VerbalytÄ— and Aleksandra Sojka highlight how gender equality campaigns, especially around International Women's Day, are only effective by adapting their messages to the national contexts. These campaigns must incorporate initiatives that allow more citizens to mobilise and take action Across Europe, progress towards gender equality has met with resistance from […] Read more
October 18, 2021

Small-scale social movements don't make news, but can influence higher education policy

Didem Türkoğlu Massive student protests attract media attention, but less globally televised protests might also help shape policy-making, writes Didem Türkoğlu. Even lesser-known movements can build alliances and put pressure on opposition parties to 'own' activists' issues. To trace these influences, however, we must pay closer attention to local and national news Read more
October 6, 2021

Expropriation of property-owning companies: how Berliners are fighting the housing crisis

Adrian Kreutz The people of Berlin recently voted to expropriate property-owning companies and bring them back under public ownership. However, argues Adrian Kreutz, while the people have insisted on their right to housing, implementation of the referendum result remains uncertain Read more
September 29, 2021

The secret of Angela Merkel's extraordinary success: her understanding of the distinctive features of German politics

Femke van Esch After sixteen years at the helm, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is leaving office. While political observers often predicted her demise, at the end of her fourth term Merkel is at the height of her popularity. Using the Leadership Capital Index, Femke van Esch explains why Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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