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gender equality

July 29, 2022

Women’s football in Central and Eastern Europe: from anti-communist revolutions to gender politics

Roland Benedikter In women’s international football, teams from Western Europe dominate, while Central and Eastern European countries are absent. Roland Benedikter and Dariusz Wojtaszyn explore why women’s football apparently enjoys more success in Western than in Eastern Europe, and whether there is an appetite for change Read more
July 6, 2022

How conservatives react against feminist mobilisations and turn to the radical right

Gefjon Off Evidence from Sweden shows that feminist mobilisations, such as #MeToo, can trigger a conservative backlash against gender equality and LGBTQI+ rights. This then fuels support for the radical right, argues Gefjon Off Read more
March 10, 2022

International Women's Day and citizen engagement on social media

Stefan Wallaschek Stefan Wallaschek, Kavyanjali Kaushik, Monika VerbalytÄ— and Aleksandra Sojka highlight how gender equality campaigns, especially around International Women's Day, are only effective by adapting their messages to the national contexts. These campaigns must incorporate initiatives that allow more citizens to mobilise and take action Across Europe, progress towards gender equality has met with resistance from […] Read more
March 9, 2022

The challenges of gender integration in development

Joyce Wu Addressing gender inequality is a critical aspect of international development. So why has progress been so slow? Joyce Wu considers the roadblocks on the path of gender and development. Here, she focuses on institutional resistance, and suggests how to break it down Read more
March 8, 2022

Bicycles could ‘build back stronger’ post-Covid – but may have unintended consequences

Lyndsay Hayhurst Women and girls’ increased access to bicycles can support sustainable development, says the UN. Yet, write Lyndsay Hayhurst and Mitchell McSweeney, the bicycle may also exacerbate gender inequality Read more
January 21, 2022

The hasty withdrawal of the US leaves women’s rights in Afghanistan at risk

Farooq Yousaf Farooq Yousaf and Bilquees Daud highlight the significant risk to women’s rights caused by the failure of the United States to include women in the so-called ‘peace deal’ signed with a male-dominated Taliban. As a consequence, the signs of regression immediately appeared in Afghanistan, and constitute a real threat. Read more
October 5, 2021

'Women are not interested, nor are the voters'. The lack of female politicians on the eve of the Czech parliamentary election

Šárka Homfray Gender equality experts and the general public have criticised the lack of female political representation in the Czech Republic. Despite these criticisms, Czech political parties still aren't presenting many female candidates in the forthcoming parliamentary election. Czech voters, argues Šárka Homfray, have few opportunities to achieve real change Read more
August 16, 2021

Nevertheless, she persisted: what we know about women running for office in the United States

Rachel Bernhard Why does the United States have such a persistently poor record on gender equality? Rachel Bernhard looks beyond the stereotypes at political outcomes within groups to understand when, where, and how inequality persists Read more

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