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European Union

August 24, 2021

🌊 Citizens pay the highest price for illiberal governments

Akudo McGee Escalating rule of law crises in Poland and Hungary have led to calls for their expulsion from the European Union. Yet, argues Akudo McGee, such calls overlook the fact that the true losers of Polexit or Hungexit won’t be unruly governments Read more
August 3, 2021

Will Brexit break up the United Kingdom?

Michael Keating The United Kingdom has left the European Union in order to restore its national sovereignty. Yet the cost may be the break up of the UK itself, writes Michael Keating Read more
July 19, 2021

Why Europe could be denying the ‘most vulnerable’ refugees safe, legal routes to protection

Natalie Welfens Safe and legal pathways to protection in Europe are scarce. Officially, states should admit only ‘the most vulnerable’ refugees. Yet, writes Natalie Welfens, humanitarian considerations are increasingly bound up with concerns about refugees' social and cultural fit with the admission state Read more
June 28, 2021

Identity versus global politics: Euroscepticism in Croatia and Serbia

Vassilis Petsinis Euroscepticism manifests itself in different ways in the Balkans. Why? Vassilis Petsinis argues that grasping the differences between attitudes in different Balkan nations helps explain Serbia’s long and complex EU accession process Read more
June 14, 2021

A voice worth hearing: the European Parliament’s first response to Covid-19

Stefano Braghiroli The EU has activated a Covid recovery package worth a staggering €672.5 billion. Observers focus on the role of European capitals, inter-governmental institutions, and the European Commission's coordinating role in delivering it. Yet, argues Stefano Braghiroli, we shouldn't ignore the role of the European Parliament... Read more
May 7, 2021

Why the EU needs to become more open towards different understandings of climate justice

Franziskus von Lucke The pandemic still dominates headlines, yet political attention must soon refocus on a crisis even more fundamental: climate change. Franziskus von Lucke argues that to deal with the climate crisis, actors such as the EU must recognise different understandings of global climate justice Read more
April 29, 2021

Twinning: a new way to elect the European Parliament

Matthijs Bogaards There is no European electorate. When voters elect the European Parliament, they vote for their own parties in their own countries. Many want this to change, but existing reform proposals are not sufficient. Matthijs Bogaards proposes twinning. It works to connect local communities across Europe and it may provide a new way to elect the European Parliament Read more
April 28, 2021

Blurred boundaries: the European Commission’s new role in EU security and defence cooperation 

Calle HÃ¥kansson Over the past couple of years, the EU and the European Commission have stepped up security and defence policy cooperation. Calle HÃ¥kansson argues that the European Commission's new role blurs the traditional dichotomy between intergovernmental and supranational decision-making Read more

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