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Eastern European politics

July 21, 2022

Is EU enlargement to Ukraine and Moldova credible?

Veronica Anghel The credibility of EU membership for Ukraine and Moldova depends on how flexible member states are with the criteria for entry and the notion of full membership. Veronica Anghel and Erik Jones, drawing on analysis of previous enlargements, show that the flexibility can be considerable Read more
May 10, 2022

🌊 Christian democracy is to blame for Europe’s democratic backsliding

Martino Comelli Christian democracy is the political culture that has been the driving force behind European integration. Yet, according to Martino Comelli, it has also facilitated the democratic backsliding of some countries of central and east Europe by providing an illiberal political toolbox of narratives and policies Read more
April 4, 2022

🌊 Orbán is returned to power in Hungary

Kinga Korányi Viktor Orbán has just emerged victorious in the Hungarian national election of 3 April, despite his pro-Russian stance and friendship with Vladimir Putin, which had been expected to tarnish his party Fidesz’s popularity. Kinga Koranyi argues that Fidesz managed to turn its response to the war in Ukraine into a successful campaign tool Read more
March 7, 2022

A welcome for Ukrainian refugees, but not those from the Middle East

Irene Landini Eastern European governments show a high degree of solidarity towards Ukrainian asylum seekers fleeing the conflict provoked by the Russian invasion. At the same time, these governments continue to resist asylum seekers from the Middle East. Irene Landini explains the geographical, cultural and political factors behind this contradiction. Read more
January 18, 2022

Social class: an important determinant for protest mobilisation

Ivaylo Dinev More than one-third of all protest events in Bulgaria and Slovenia since the Great Recession were class-based. Workers’ mobilisations show durability, contends Ivaylo Dinev, though differences between sectors continue to exist Read more
November 10, 2021

The state of Polish-EU relations reflects geopolitical and ideological clashes

Filip Ilkowski Relations between Poland and the EU have reached a nadir with the recent clash between the Polish Constitutional Court and the European Union Court of Justice. This conflict, argues Filip Ilkowski, reflects much deeper divisions connected to EU geopolitics and ideological clashes in Polish society Read more
October 5, 2021

'Women are not interested, nor are the voters'. The lack of female politicians on the eve of the Czech parliamentary election

Šárka Homfray Gender equality experts and the general public have criticised the lack of female political representation in the Czech Republic. Despite these criticisms, Czech political parties still aren't presenting many female candidates in the forthcoming parliamentary election. Czech voters, argues Šárka Homfray, have few opportunities to achieve real change Read more
September 16, 2021

How dictators try, but ultimately fail, to create loyal bureaucrats

Alexander De Juan Dictators depend on committed bureaucrats to stay in power. To instil loyalty, some indoctrinate through enforced military service. Alexander De Juan, Felix Haaß, and Jan Pierskalla warn that this strategy can backfire. Rather than creating truly convinced cadres, conscription can help bureaucrats get better at faking loyalty Read more

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