We've found 412 articles matching your search phrase.
July 14, 2022

India’s soft power diplomacy in the Modi era

Shreeya Patil
Soft power diplomacy has always been important to India, as the world’s largest democracy, with a rich heritage, culture and ambitious aspirations. This has never more so than under the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Shreeya Patil explores the different facets of this important form of diplomacy
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July 7, 2022

♟️ A 'cat-dog' called electoral autocracy

Adrián del Río
Since the 80s, electoral autocracy has been considered the most common form of dictatorship. Yet, as Adrián del Río shows, little is known about what this regime is and how we can recognise it. There is, in fact, only a 34% probability of datasets agreeing on examples
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July 5, 2022

The hegemony of Kirchnerism in Argentinian politics

Sergio Ricardo Quiroga
Kirchnerism emerged from Argentine Peronism, spearheaded by Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Since 2003, it has built a cultural and political hegemony that denies Argentinian citizens their political and civil liberties, writes Sergio Quiroga.
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July 4, 2022

Whatever happened to the Italian Five Star Movement?

Martin Bull
The Italian Five Star Movement has undergone a formidable split, with former leader Luigi di Maio walking out with 60 parliamentarians and forming a new party. This, and declining popularity in opinion polls, marks the twilight of Five Star’s decade-long success – and possibly the end of populist politics in Italy, writes Martin Bull
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July 1, 2022

Explaining varying attitudes towards climate change measures in Western Europe

Christoph Arndt
Recent European elections have revealed that voters are increasingly polarised on environmental protectionism. Christoph Arndt, Daphne Halikiopoulou and Christos Vrakopoulos contend that local opposition to climate change measures is reinforcing a centre-periphery cleavage in Western Europe
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June 23, 2022

'The people' goes to the Capitol

Lasse Thomassen
How should we interpret what happened on 6 January 2021 at the Capitol? Lasse Thomassen argues that, while populists like Trump may threaten democracy, we cannot simply dismiss populism and the populist mob without taking something away from it that we value: its inherent openness
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June 22, 2022

Westminster has a moral obligation to allow a second Scottish independence referendum

Ruairidh Brown
The first obstacle in holding an Independence Referendum is assuring its legitimacy. To do so, says Ruairidh Brown, the SNP-Green alliance have implied the UK Government has no moral authority to deny Scots a choice on their future
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June 21, 2022

Russia's failures in Ukraine could threaten its domestic stability

Alexandr Burilkov
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine reduced to a protracted battle for the Donbas, discontent grows in Russian military and ultranationalist circles. This could lead to the formation of paramilitary groups aiming for a Russia of the revolutionary right, says Alexandr Burilkov
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June 17, 2022

How the Coalition for Quebec's Future changed the game on Québécois nationalism

Adam Stokes
Québécois politics has been undergoing a dramatic change since 2018. The emergence of the ‘Coalition for Quebec’s Future’ (CAQ) has smashed the existing Liberal/Parti Québécois duopoly in the province and sidelined the issue of Quebec’s sovereignty in favour of cultural issues, writes Adam Stokes
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June 15, 2022

The invasion of Ukraine is preventing a truce in the war on nature

Ian Budge
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has reduced media coverage of the political violence and turmoil elsewhere in the world caused by climate change, as well as causing a retreat on climate change policy targets by richer democracies. Ian Budge highlights what needs to be done and how
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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