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January 17, 2022

Recent protests in Kazakhstan expose the fragility of the autocratic regime

Angelo Vito Panaro
Unprecedented anti-government protests spread across Kazakhstan in January 2022, andwere only quelled through a military solution. Angelo Vito Panaro argues that, despite the outcome, the protests expose the inherent fragility of the autocratic regime and the strength of public support for a democratic alternative
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January 14, 2022

🦋 Untangling description, deception and denunciation: a linguistic twist to the Science of Democracy

Rikki Dean
Jean-Paul Gagnon has amassed over 4,000 ‘linguistic artefacts’ into a data mountain of descriptions of democracy. Yet, notes Rikki Dean, a sustained consideration of these linguistic artefacts as language is missing from his Science of Democracy and its responses. Words do not only describe, they also deceive and denounce
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January 12, 2022

China’s approach to the pandemic exposes its democratic deficit to the public glare

Rongxin Li
China has adopted a zero-case approach to the coronacrisis. But, writes Rongxin Li, China’s policies, while claiming to be in the interests of its citizens, show a lack of democratic anchoring, sacrificing civil rights and procedural justice
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January 11, 2022

The pandemic reveals a lot about sovereign power and how it is contested

Ruairidh Brown
Sovereignty is typically perceived to lie with those who can provide protection. Ruairidh Brown considers how the pandemic has tested and challenged the supra-national, national and sub-national levels in terms of the exercise of sovereign power. What might be the implications of these developments in the future?
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January 6, 2022

Public attitudes to coronavirus in highly polarised Hungary

Balázs Böcskei
Balázs Böcskei and Eszter Farkas analyse the influence of partisan alignment on public health issues related to coronavirus. Their findings suggest that even in such a highly polarised country as Hungary, the significance of the pandemic over time is suppressing the influence of party alignment on Covid-related issues
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December 15, 2021

The EU's energy taxonomy saga

Rafal Fabianowicz
The current energy price crisis, the forthcoming European Council meeting and a new German government might create an opportunity to add nuclear energy and transitional fossil fuels to the EU's energy taxonomy. Rafal Fabianowicz assesses the possible outcomes to the ongoing saga
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December 3, 2021

The death of the federal state in Ghana – and the lessons for federalists everywhere

Dennis Penu
How do federal states die? Dennis Penu looks at the case of Ghana, explaining that a federal state can die gradually rather than suddenly. In crisis situations such as the current pandemic, political forces can easily exploit such gradual change
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November 19, 2021

Stopping climate catastrophe politically

Ian Budge
COP26 revealed the difficulty of agreeing pledges on climate change. But that is nothing to the problem that now arises of acting on those pledges. Ian Budge argues that the real problem of climate change is one of collective action. Here, he proposes ways to rise to that challenge
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November 19, 2021

🦋 Democracy: not just what but also why

Martyn Hammersley
Martyn Hammersley argues that, since there is no essence of democracy, clarification is always required when this word is used. And any assumption that what it refers to is always desirable must be questioned: in each context, we should ask ‘Why democracy?’ as well as ‘What is democracy?’
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November 17, 2021

Turkish foreign policy on a slippery path towards the Russia-China axis

Ziya Öniş
In recent years, Turkish foreign policy has oscillated between traditional alignments with the West, and a new Eastern orientation. Partnerships with Russia and China are becoming increasingly important, write Ziya Öniş and Mustafa Kutlay. Yet Turkey must be firmly anchored to the club of democratic states to regain its benign regional and global role
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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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