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July 19, 2021

Why Europe could be denying the ‘most vulnerable’ refugees safe, legal routes to protection

Natalie Welfens Safe and legal pathways to protection in Europe are scarce. Officially, states should admit only ‘the most vulnerable’ refugees. Yet, writes Natalie Welfens, humanitarian considerations are increasingly bound up with concerns about refugees' social and cultural fit with the admission state Read more
July 16, 2021

Exploiting migrants can help criminal groups expand to new countries

Gemma Dipoppa The emergence of criminal organisations has been blamed on state weakness. But recent trends in organised crime expansion show that criminal groups often move to states with strong economies and institutions. As mafias establish permanent roots in new countries, Gemma Dipoppa suggests that migrant exploitation might play an important role Read more
June 28, 2021

Identity versus global politics: Euroscepticism in Croatia and Serbia

Vassilis Petsinis Euroscepticism manifests itself in different ways in the Balkans. Why? Vassilis Petsinis argues that grasping the differences between attitudes in different Balkan nations helps explain Serbia’s long and complex EU accession process Read more
June 22, 2021

Why centre-right parties adopt hardline positions on immigration at their peril

James F. Downes To guard against vote loss, parties of the centre right are taking a tough stance on immigration. James F. Downes, Matthew Loveless and Andrew Lam argue that such parties risk bringing far-right ideology into the political mainstream, and undermining the very tenets of liberal democracy they profess to uphold Read more
June 8, 2021

Votes from expats could have produced a very different outcome in the Dutch general elections

Ekaterina Rashkova Millions of people no longer live in their countries of birth, and this can distort political representation, argues Ekaterina Rashkova-Gerbrands. If expats had been eligible to vote in recent Dutch parliamentary elections, we would have seen more support for innovative parties such as the D66 and Groen Links Read more
June 2, 2021

What is at stake in the Scottish National Party’s request for a second referendum

Ruairidh Brown The Kenmure Street protest in Glasgow raises crucial issues concerning political obligation in Scotland, writes Ruairidh Brown. This should serve as a warning to Westminster about the potential dangers of denying a second independence referendum Read more
May 14, 2021

Backlash against asylum seekers in Austria

Markus Wagner In 2015, Austria took in almost 90,000 asylum seekers – the third-highest number in Europe that year. The government housed asylum seekers in areas with little experience in welcoming refugees. These areas subsequently saw a backlash against refugees in particular, and immigrants and Muslims in general, write Markus Wagner and Lukas Rudolph Read more
April 21, 2021

Germany: a country of immigration – or integration? Merkel’s uncomfortable legacy

Isabelle Hertner Germany has developed into a hugely diverse country, but Angela Merkel’s centre-right CDU is still grappling with this reality, writes Isabelle Hertner. Over Merkel's 16-year Chancellorship, her party has been torn between pragmatic immigration policy, and the demand for cultural assimilation Read more

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