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Middle East

May 17, 2022

Welcoming evacuee neighbours in a pandemic

Phi Hong Su What does it take to welcome evacuees as they rebuild their lives? Phi Hong Su reflects on how governance, labour markets, and ethnic communities can ease new arrivals’ resettlement in the United States —and how gaps in these contexts of reception worsen precarity Read more
May 16, 2022

We need rebellion to confront new disruptive technologies

Felipe Arocena The internet has not, as many hoped, delivered positive change for democracy. But according to Felipe Arocena, there is still a meaningful way to confront the authoritarian advances of new technological powers and reinforce democracy – rebellion Read more
March 7, 2022

A welcome for Ukrainian refugees, but not those from the Middle East

Irene Landini Eastern European governments show a high degree of solidarity towards Ukrainian asylum seekers fleeing the conflict provoked by the Russian invasion. At the same time, these governments continue to resist asylum seekers from the Middle East. Irene Landini explains the geographical, cultural and political factors behind this contradiction. Read more
February 22, 2022

🌊 The authoritarian consolidation attempt in Turkey

Görkem Altınörs Görkem Altınörs and Ümit Akçay analyse the political economy of regime change in Turkey. The AKP's 'authoritarian fix' strategy was a response to multiple crises in the 2010s. Now, it has led to an attempt at authoritarian consolidation Read more
August 25, 2021

The new coalition government is the most diverse in Israel's history, and promises real change

Amnon Cavari In June 2021, after twelve consecutive years as Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was forced out of office. The coalition replacing him promises change, find Amnon Cavari, Maoz Rosenthal and Ilana Shpaizman. Whether it delivers on its promises is another question Read more
May 13, 2021

The Palestinian elections that weren't

Jørgen Jensehaugen Palestinians in the Occupied Territories had been set to vote in the first legislative and presidential elections in fifteen years. But in a last-minute decision, President Abbas postponed the elections indefinitely. Once again, the Palestinian people are left in political limbo with unelected leaders, write Jørgen Jensehaugen and Erling Lorentzen Sogge Read more
January 25, 2021

The Arab uprisings ten years on: the EU must change its policy of neglect

Maria Gloria Polimeno The EU has failed to support democracy and political change in the Middle East and North Africa. Maria Gloria Polimeno argues for a more inclusivist social approach, along with radically revised foreign policy Read more
January 5, 2021

The Kurds defeated Islamic State – now Turkey wants to end their success story 

Dastan Jasim We owe much to the Kurds for the defeat of Islamic State, even if the fight still goes on. Yet, writes Dastan Jasim, the rise of Turkey as an unpredictable military power threatens post-conflict reconstruction – and Syria’s democratic future Read more

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