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Political Science Profession

August 15, 2022

🦋 The critical pedagogy of democracy in dark times

Henry Giroux Henry Giroux takes stock of the sciences of the democracies to argue that they offer helpful tools to contest the neoliberalisation of education and the teaching of democracy. The words of democracy, the ideas imbued in them, are vital resources for an age characterised by the desertification of public spheres Read more
July 20, 2022

🦋 Connecting theory to the messy realities of democratic innovations in practice

Lucy J Parry Lucy J Parry recognises the value of a database of democracy but is concerned about its utility in the real world. If this data mountain is to bolster democratic innovation, we need to step away from detached order and engage with the messy reality of democratic innovations in practice Read more
July 19, 2022

Using Wikipedia for conflict forecasting

Christian Oswald Regularly updated data sources with global coverage are essential for (near) real-time forecasting. Christian Oswald and Daniel Ohrenhofer introduce Wikipedia as a new data source for conflict forecasting due to its ability to capture the salience and controversy of a topic Read more
July 15, 2021

What is the role of political science in public debate? A sobering lesson from Italy

Andrea Pritoni Political scientists are typically accused of remaining in their ivory towers. YePolitical scientists are often accused of hiding away in ivory towers, yet their participation could significantly enhance public debate. Andrea Pritoni and Giulia Vicentini analyse one such case, in Italy. In so doing, they discover a missed opportunity to increase the social relevance of the disciplinet their participation could enhance public debate and increase the social relevance of the discipline. Andrea Pritoni and Giulia Vicentini analyse one such case, in Italian public debate, and discover a missed opportunity Read more
January 14, 2021

The Loop is three months old!

Kate Hawkins The Loop launched on 12 October 2020. During our short life, we have published 57 articles on a huge range of political science sub-disciplines, by some 79 bloggers. Managing Editor Kate Hawkins reflects on this early phase Read more
December 21, 2020

Academic activists want to break out of their ivory towers, but in doing so risk creating a new form of elitism

Francesco Saverio Montesano An increasing number of scholars want to campaign for positive change outside the academic echo chamber, but overlook their own evidence when they refuse to engage with any view not exclusively based on science. Francesco S. Montesano argues that this will only deepen the gap between ‘experts’ and the rest of society Read more
November 12, 2020

What social scientists can learn about their fieldwork activities from the Covid-19 pandemic

Matteo Marenco The pandemic has shaken our fieldwork activities to the core, if by fieldwork we mean working ‘in the field’. Even though it can be very demanding, we should adapt – when possible – to the new reality, and learn from it, writes Matteo Marenco Read more
October 14, 2020

The relevance of political science and the public responsibility of political scientists

Matthew Flinders Political scientists face increasing demands to demonstrate the relevance of their research beyond the academy (the so-called ‘impact agenda’). Matthew Flinders argues that this should be seen less a threat to the discipline’s autonomy than an opportunity to rise to public responsibilities Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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