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International Development

July 8, 2021

Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Latin America could change the international order

Elena Cossu China has delivered vaccines to Latin America on an extraordinary scale. We must understand this in the context of Chinaโ€™s long-term aspirations as a rising power in the international order. Elena Cossu argues that Chinese vaccine diplomacy directly challenges the already declining US authority in the region Read more
May 7, 2021

Why the EU needs to become more open towards different understandings of climate justice

Franziskus von Lucke The pandemic still dominates headlines, yet political attention must soon refocus on a crisis even more fundamental: climate change. Franziskus von Lucke argues that to deal with the climate crisis, actors such as the EU must recognise different understandings of global climate justice Read more
March 31, 2021

Development policy under fire? The politicisation of European external relations

Christine Hackenesch Once seen as a low salience policy that member states and citizens supported without much debate, EU development policy is now politicised โ€“ inside and outside the Union. Christine Hackenesch, Julian Bergmann and Jan Orbie argue that this trend may hamper EU collective action Read more
March 16, 2021

The fatal consequences of EU disengagement from Mediterranean search and rescue

Luca Doll The European Union has disengaged from search and rescue in the Mediterranean, outsourcing its border management to a third state and effectively criminalising NGOs that step into the gap. This, writes Luca Doll, is a policy that needs urgent review Read more
March 2, 2021

The impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable populations will change the global humanitarian system

Daniela Irrera How are states and intergovernmental organisations adapting to new patterns of vulnerability created by the pandemic? Daniela Irrera suggests that future humanitarian systems must involve non-state actors alongside their governmental counterparts Read more
January 25, 2021

The Arab uprisings ten years on: the EU must change its policy of neglect

Maria Gloria Polimeno The EU has failed to support democracy and political change in the Middle East and North Africa. Maria Gloria Polimeno argues for a more inclusivist social approach, along with radically revised foreign policy Read more
December 29, 2020

If developing countries struggle to procure a Covid vaccine, some will take matters into their own hands

Gerelyn Terzo The Covid vaccine debate is rapidly changing, from whether we will get a vaccine to when, where and how it will be rolled out. But, writes Gerelyn Terzo, this immediately raises questions about whether socio-economic development will determine who gets it first Read more
October 26, 2020

Covid-19 in Bangladesh is creating a humanitarian, public health and economic crisis โ€“ along with rising tensions between Rohingya refugees and the host community

Faria Ahmed While advanced western states grapple with an unprecedented pandemic, the fate of nations on the periphery is being largely overlooked. In Bangladesh, for example, a pre-existing humanitarian crisis is exacerbated by a public health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19. This is prompting rising challenges for โ€“ and tensions between โ€“ Rohingya refugees and host communities in Bangladesh, write Faria Ahmed and Nurul Huda Sakib Read more

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