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EU Foreign Policy

January 7, 2022

The EU’s new human rights sanctions regime: one year on

Clara Portela Human rights activists have applauded the European Union's new human rights sanctions regime. However, writes Clara Portela, although the regime comes with several flexible innovations, its ultimate goal remains ambiguous Read more
November 4, 2021

Improvement in Iranian-European relations is possible – and the EU should play its part

Mahmoud Javadi Relations between Iran and Europe are in a pretty poor state. But Mahmoud Javadi argues that there are avenues for improvement through identification of 'shared interests' – and the EU can, and should, play its part Read more
November 2, 2021

EU foreign policy is damaging relations with China, and dividing EU member states

Xuechen Chen Xuechen Chen and Xinchuchu Gao argue that the EU’s decision to securitise China lies behind the recent deterioration in EU-China relations. Yet divergent views among member states are hampering EU policy, resulting in incoherent and inconsistent implementation at national levels Read more
September 18, 2021

The EU’s human rights policy is deficient, but not in the way you might think

Johanne Døhlie Saltnes The EU often faces criticism for conducting an inconsistent and arbitrary human rights policy. This critique is misguided and overlooks a more fundamental problem with the policy, argues Johanne Døhlie Saltnes: that it tends to be executive-driven, precluding the participation of individuals and affected groups Read more
September 2, 2021

EU international LGBTI rights promotion: coherent, consistent and effective?

Markus Thiel The EU’s promotion of LGBTI human rights has provoked disputes over these rights, and the way they are promoted. Focusing on civil pluralism and democratic consolidation would make the EU a more reflective and effective actor, argues Markus Thiel Read more
March 31, 2021

Development policy under fire? The politicisation of European external relations

Christine Hackenesch Once seen as a low salience policy that member states and citizens supported without much debate, EU development policy is now politicised – inside and outside the Union. Christine Hackenesch, Julian Bergmann and Jan Orbie argue that this trend may hamper EU collective action Read more
March 16, 2021

The fatal consequences of EU disengagement from Mediterranean search and rescue

Luca Doll The European Union has disengaged from search and rescue in the Mediterranean, outsourcing its border management to a third state and effectively criminalising NGOs that step into the gap. This, writes Luca Doll, is a policy that needs urgent review Read more
January 25, 2021

The Arab uprisings ten years on: the EU must change its policy of neglect

Maria Gloria Polimeno The EU has failed to support democracy and political change in the Middle East and North Africa. Maria Gloria Polimeno argues for a more inclusivist social approach, along with radically revised foreign policy Read more

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