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EU Foreign Policy

Central Asia becomes a key strategic region for the EU

June 10, 2024

How NATO and the EU should confront the new ‘Axis of Evil’

February 7, 2024

An impending world conflagration – and all the result of Western neglect

January 24, 2024

Is the EU breaching its own human rights policies in dealing with Ukrainian refugees?

December 21, 2023

It’s time for the EU to step up efforts to revamp the liberal international order

December 19, 2023
August 29, 2023

European space policy and the EU’s ‘Outermost Regions’

Diogo Vieira Ferreira Space technology sees increased use in warfare. This has generated great concern for the European Union’s capacity to maintain a stable space policy. Diogo Vieira Ferreira argues that the effective development of European space policy requires the participation and input of the so-called ‘Outermost Regions’ as strategic actors Read more
July 17, 2023

Big stakes for the EU-CELAC summit

Carlos José Cruz Infante Heads of state from Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean meet on 17 and 18 July in Brussels for the long-awaited EU-CELAC summit. Despite facing a credibility crisis in the region, the EU has the tools to build a credible and strategic partnership going forward, write Carlos Cruz Infante and Johanne Døhlie Saltnes Read more
June 5, 2023

EU-China relations: a growing global rivalry

James F. Downes James F. Downes, Mathew Wong and Man Hoo So argue that the European Union-China relationship has evolved considerably over recent years into a growing global rivalry in 2023. The EU has become more interventionist towards China, but there exist large divisions within the core EU institutions and member states towards relations with China Read more
March 23, 2023

Can Germany lead the EU’s geopolitical efforts in Latin America?

Carlos José Cruz Infante The EU could learn valuable lessons from German Chancellor Scholz’s recent official visit to South America, writes Carlos Cruz Infante. Scholz showed a diplomacy formula that could leverage the Union’s geopolitical influence in the region Read more
February 13, 2023

📐 The EU needs to rethink its human rights promotion in the South Caucasus

Laura Luciani As the liberal norms promoted by the EU are fiercely contested, human rights groups in the South Caucasus face an insecure environment. Some propose alternatives to human rights promotion that challenge both the EU’s development paradigms and competing authoritarian agendas. Laura Luciani argues that we should take them seriously Read more

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