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Political Representation

July 29, 2022

Women’s football in Central and Eastern Europe: from anti-communist revolutions to gender politics

Roland Benedikter In women’s international football, teams from Western Europe dominate, while Central and Eastern European countries are absent. Roland Benedikter and Dariusz Wojtaszyn explore why women’s football apparently enjoys more success in Western than in Eastern Europe, and whether there is an appetite for change Read more
July 27, 2022

Conservative leadership hopefuls should listen to Hobbes regarding Scotland

Ruairidh Brown Despite often being regarded as a blueprint for authoritarianism, Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan gives prudent advice on the limitations of sovereign power. Ruairidh Brown argues this serves as a timely warning for the next Conservative leader on their approach to Scottish politics Read more
July 8, 2022

🦋 The butterfly effect: representation as fractal politics

Alex Prior What does a coastline have in common with effective rhetoric? Each component resembles something bigger, and bigger, and bigger. And what can this sort of fractal pattern show us about politics? To Alex Prior, fractals illustrate successful representation, and the impulses that drive it Read more
July 6, 2022

How conservatives react against feminist mobilisations and turn to the radical right

Gefjon Off Evidence from Sweden shows that feminist mobilisations, such as #MeToo, can trigger a conservative backlash against gender equality and LGBTQI+ rights. This then fuels support for the radical right, argues Gefjon Off Read more
June 17, 2022

How the Coalition for Quebec's Future changed the game on Québécois nationalism

Adam Stokes Québécois politics has been undergoing a dramatic change since 2018. The emergence of the ‘Coalition for Quebec’s Future’ (CAQ) has smashed the existing Liberal/Parti Québécois duopoly in the province and sidelined the issue of Quebec’s sovereignty in favour of cultural issues, writes Adam Stokes Read more
June 16, 2022

🦋 Democracy: by design and on the move

Erica Dorn Democracy today is a colonial artefact tied to violent borders. Moreover, it produces an increasing number of non-citizens, unable to participate in democracy where they live. Erica Dorn and Federico Vaz argue that Gagnon's courageous enquiry into defining the historical landscape of democracy can bring more equity to its current – unjust – paradigm Read more
March 16, 2022

How opposition parties can challenge government dominance in parliamentary democracies

Thomas König Thomas König, Nick Lin, and Thiago N. Silva argue that opposition can challenge government agenda dominance in parliaments through the control of committee chairs. This also impacts how coalition partners manage governance. Read more
March 10, 2022

EU economic policy is EU gender policy

Muireann O'Dwyer Muireann O’Dwyer argues that the economy's gendered nature means that all EU-developed economic policies are intrinsically gendered. Their consequences shape equality across the member states. Addressing this requires a greater democratisation of economic policy, and a renewed commitment to gender mainstreaming The gender of the economy Economic policy is always, at the same time, gender […] Read more

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