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populist radical right

October 27, 2022

Boom to bust: where next for Matteo Salvini’s League?

Arianna Giovannini A right-wing coalition won the Italian general election in September, but not all the parties within it fared well. After a boom in votes in 2018–19, support for Salvini’s League has collapsed. This, argue Arianna Giovannini and Davide Vampa, is the price for selling the party’s soul Read more
October 20, 2022

Brazil’s presidential election: How far does the populist glow reach?

Franziska FN Schreiber Despite harsh criticism of his government performance, Bolsonaro managed to attract significant public support in the recent election, writes Franziska F. N. Schreiber. The populist incumbent promoted voters’ trust by responding to their anxieties and uncertainties, and perpetuating myths Read more
October 12, 2022

🌊 Resisting autocratisation

Luca Manucci We have, in the intellectual world, spent much time trying to understand populism, fascism, illiberalism and the processes of autocratisation. Now, argues Luca Manucci, it is time to debate and establish the best strategies to fight against these tendencies and establish democratic resilience Read more
September 30, 2022

🌊 The fascist zeitgeist

Luca Manucci Luca Manucci argues that illiberalism and autocratisation have too readily been labelled as ‘populism’, an all-embracing concept which simply helps to provide cover to the neo-fascist cause. This has led to surprise when a politician like Giorgia Meloni, leading a party with neo-fascist roots, reaches the brink of power Read more
September 28, 2022

🌊 The Swedish elections: takeaways for the study of illiberalism

Gefjon Off The Swedish elections show that even the most liberal democracies are not immune to the rise of illiberal forces. Gefjon Off discusses the role of normalisation of the radical right, young men’s conservatism, and online mobilisation Read more
September 23, 2022

🌊 Far-right populism and the neoliberal exclusionary state

Valentina Ausserladscheider Across the globe, rar-right populism is on the rise. Its exclusionary nationalist nature poses a threat for liberal democracies. Taking Austria as a case study, Valentina Ausserladscheider explains the less obvious ways far-right populist nationalism can become deeply entangled with neoliberal economic policymaking Read more
April 6, 2022

Can Marine Le Pen win the French presidential elections?

Giovanni Capoccia A second term of office for Emmanuel Macron remains the most probable outcome of the French Presidential election, but it is no longer a foregone conclusion. The race with Marine Le Pen now looks more competitive than ever, says Giovanni Capoccia. Read more
January 28, 2022

A second 'Pink Tide’ rises in Latin America, but will it last?

Valesca Lima The advance of left-wing, progressive parties in Latin America is driven by the mismanagement of the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the failure of right-wing populism in the region, observes Valesca Lima Read more

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