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Giorgia Meloni

October 24, 2022

🌊 Is Italian democracy at risk?

Guido Panzano The likely installation of a neo-fascist Prime Minister has generated considerable fears for the future of Italian democracy. Guido Panzano argues that we should use the tools available in political science to arrive at a more scientific understanding of the prospects for the quality of Italian democracy under such a government Read more
September 30, 2022

🌊 The fascist zeitgeist

Luca Manucci Luca Manucci argues that illiberalism and autocratisation have too readily been labelled as ‘populism’, an all-embracing concept which simply helps to provide cover to the neo-fascist cause. This has led to surprise when a politician like Giorgia Meloni, leading a party with neo-fascist roots, reaches the brink of power Read more
September 30, 2022

Italian general election: the far right sweeps to power under Giorgia Meloni

Giovanni Capoccia The Italian general election produced a clear majority for the right-wing coalition headed by the Brothers of Italy, following a significant shift of votes within the coalition. The parties of the centre-left failed to forge an electoral alliance to stop the right. The political landscape remains volatile, says Giovanni Capoccia Read more
September 14, 2022

Italy’s odd turn to the right

Giovanni Capoccia The outcome of the Italian parliamentary elections, now less than two weeks away, seems a foregone conclusion. The centre-right coalition, led by Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy, will likely have a majority. What might happen after the centre-right takes power is more uncertain, says Giovanni Capoccia Read more
August 24, 2022

The Italian elections and the threat to European integration

Giovanni Capoccia The Italian right, led by the Brothers of Italy, is likely to be in government after the September 2022 elections. Despite its public statements expressing ‘full support’ for the European integration process, Giovanni Capoccia says that there are good reasons to question the exact nature of this commitment and what it means Read more
February 4, 2022

Italy elects a new President – by re-electing an old one

Bill Emmott Italy has just elected a new President – by giving the incumbent, Sergio Mattarella, a second term of office. An outbreak of ‘business as usual'? No, says Bill Emmott – the election has exposed deep divisions in party politics which could have ramifications for government stability Read more
October 15, 2021

Rome under assault: Italian fascism rears its ugly head

Martin Bull Protests have broken out in Rome against the extension of Italy’s Covid Green Pass to the workplace. They quickly deteriorated into violence and assault, exploited by the fascist group Forza Nuova. This, argues Martin Bull, has reignited the debate about Italy’s fascist heritage, and led to calls on Prime Minister Draghi to dissolve the group Read more
February 23, 2021

Mario Draghi’s governing bandwagon has been voted in. Expect a bumpy ride

Daniele Albertazzi Mario Draghi’s new government enjoys broad support in both Italian parliamentary chambers. But Matteo Salvini's League is likely to make its life difficult. Daniele Albertazzi and Davide Pellegrino speculate that Salvini’s party will likely keep one foot in and one foot out of government Read more

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