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March 18, 2021

What explains Germany’s conversion to common European Union debt?

Lucas Schramm In 2020 Germany promoted a bold European response to the corona crisis, involving common EU debt. This contrasts starkly with its position a decade before, when it favoured austerity over fiscal stimulus and debt pooling. Lucas Schramm and Amandine Crespy argue that the specific nature of the corona crisis reconfigured Germany’s national interests in Europe Read more
March 16, 2021

The fatal consequences of EU disengagement from Mediterranean search and rescue

Luca Doll The European Union has disengaged from search and rescue in the Mediterranean, outsourcing its border management to a third state and effectively criminalising NGOs that step into the gap. This, writes Luca Doll, is a policy that needs urgent review Read more
March 12, 2021

Why has the European Court of Justice shifted toward a more restrictive position on access to welfare in member states?

Angie Gago From 2014, ECJ decisions on welfare access have departed significantly from previous case law. Angie Gago and Francesco Maiani analyse two Court dialogues, one with the EU legislator, the other with national authorities Read more
March 8, 2021

How the European Parliament worked gender equality into the EU pandemic response

Anna Elomäki While EU crisis responses are often gender blind, European Parliament gender equality actors have managed to develop gendered EU Covid recovery policies. Still, argue Anna Elomäki and Johanna Kantola, equality is only welcome when it does not challenge dominant economic priorities Read more
February 16, 2021

If we really want to reform EU migration policies, we should look to the public

Danilo Di Mauro The refugee crisis has led to changes in EU migration policy management. But effective reform of the so-called Dublin System that could resolve the crisis has so far eluded the EU. To understand the prospects for change, Danilo di Mauro and Vincenzo Memoli argue that we should examine how public opinion influences political parties, and elites Read more
February 5, 2021

Now it’s Draghi’s turn: once again Italy resorts to a technician to solve its problems

Martin Bull The Italian President’s invitation to Mario Draghi to form the next government is the fourth time since 1994 that the country has resorted to a technician to get itself out of a hole dug by the parties’ failure to agree on a political government, writes Martin Bull. This has connotations that go beyond the current crisis, representing a damning indictment of Italy’s model of party government Read more
February 2, 2021

How national politicians in Europe care about European citizens – and why this matters now more than ever

Lucy Kinski National politicians in Europe represent their own citizens, but they also consider the concerns of fellow European citizens when making decisions on EU politics, writes Lucy Kinski. Many do not believe that a national focus will solve our common problems, and neither should we Read more
January 29, 2021

Joe Biden will balance security interests and the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe

Veronica Anghel Under the Biden administration, the EU stands to have an ally against authoritarian tendencies in some Central and Eastern European countries writes Veronica Anghel. But US involvement will not be transformative Read more

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