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electoral campaigns

March 24, 2021

The annulment of ex-president Lula’s conviction is a turning point in Brazil’s 2022 elections

Larissa Peixoto Gomes The possibility of Lula running for office in 2022 has already nudged Bolsonaro to change course. Yet, write Larissa Peixoto Gomes and Fernanda Barasuol, although Lula’s candidacy is a likely scenario, it is not guaranteed Read more
November 17, 2020

Belarus is in an unprecedented political crisis with no resolution in sight

Hanna Vasilevich In August 2020, following a hotly disputed presidential election, Aliaksandr Lukashenko was declared President of Belarus. Since then, the country has experienced relentless street protests against electoral fraud, writes Hanna Vasilevich Read more
November 11, 2020

It’s not just populism! Politicising corruption in election campaigns

Sarah Engler Only populist parties fight elections using anti-corruption slogans, right? Wrong. Sarah Engler finds that other parties too, sloganeer in this way – many without any reference to the ‘corrupt elite’ Read more
November 11, 2020

Trump exploited social media platforms to question the election outcome. Their swift response has helped safeguard American democracy

Angelo Vito Panaro The American presidential elections, and the refusal of President Trump to recognise the result on the basis of unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud have resulted in the social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook, taking unprecedented initiatives against misinformation and false accusations, thus helping to safeguard American democracy, writes Angelo Vito Panaro Read more
October 30, 2020

Despite the favourable polls, a Biden victory in the US presidential election is still too close to call

Richard Johnson Despite the favourable polls, a Biden victory in the US Presidential Election is still too close to call Read more

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