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June 6, 2022

Elections in Colombia: triumph of outsider politics is not solving low voter turnout

Jamie Shenk Colombian voters rejected the political establishment, voting 'outsider' politicians into the run-off for the Colombian presidency. However, understanding who didn’t vote in Colombia’s election tells us more about the state of Colombia’s democracy, writes Jamie Shenk Read more
May 3, 2022

Macron’s re-election and the continuing demise of the French Fifth Republic

Alistair Cole Incumbent French President Macron has been re-elected for a second five-year term. This is not a simple success story, Alistair Cole argues. The election revealed disturbing trends in French democracy. Read more
April 9, 2022

From aloofness to panic: Macron could yet lose the French presidency

John Keiger Emmanuel Macron’s aloofness from electioneering, the collapse of party loyalties and seething public dissatisfaction have created a heady recipe for the French presidential election, says John Keiger. The incumbent could even lose – or end up severely damaged in terms of legitimacy for a second term Read more
April 6, 2022

Can Marine Le Pen win the French presidential elections?

Giovanni Capoccia A second term of office for Emmanuel Macron remains the most probable outcome of the French Presidential election, but it is no longer a foregone conclusion. The race with Marine Le Pen now looks more competitive than ever, says Giovanni Capoccia. Read more
April 4, 2022

🌊 Orbán is returned to power in Hungary

Kinga Korányi Viktor Orbán has just emerged victorious in the Hungarian national election of 3 April, despite his pro-Russian stance and friendship with Vladimir Putin, which had been expected to tarnish his party Fidesz’s popularity. Kinga Koranyi argues that Fidesz managed to turn its response to the war in Ukraine into a successful campaign tool Read more
March 25, 2022

Don’t sweep it under the carpet! How parties react to defections

Andrea Ceron Andrea Ceron and Elisa Volpi argue that rather than sweeping the damage under the carpet, parties can best restore their image by emphasising competence, clarity and their ability to handle the core issues Read more
February 9, 2022

🌊 Undermining democracy in Southeast Europe

Damir Kapidžić Illiberal politics are a way to understand the process by which ruling elites (mis)use democratic institutions of the state to create an electoral advantage for themselves with the aim to remain in power indefinitely. With a focus on Southeast Europe, Damir Kapidžić explains the concept's roots in institutional legacies of past regimes Read more
February 4, 2022

Italy elects a new President – by re-electing an old one

Bill Emmott Italy has just elected a new President – by giving the incumbent, Sergio Mattarella, a second term of office. An outbreak of ‘business as usual'? No, says Bill Emmott – the election has exposed deep divisions in party politics which could have ramifications for government stability Read more

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