Claire Godet
Can climate economic and financial policies truly foster decarbonisation? Claire Godet argues this is possible only if policy-makers regulate markets to take into account all aspects of sustainability. Without appropriate regulation, ‘sustainable markets’ merely create the same inequalities as any other market Read more
Ian Budge
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has reduced media coverage of the political violence and turmoil elsewhere in the world caused by climate change, as well as causing a retreat on climate change policy targets by richer democracies. Ian Budge highlights what needs to be done and how Read more
Ruairidh Brown
In our contemporary world, dangers frequently come not from external enemies but from our own behaviour. To provide moral guidance on these dangers and help overcome the externalisation of threat, Ruairidh Brown looks back through time to St Augustine Read more
Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
Biodiversity receives less attention than climate when it comes to the challenges and accomplishments of international cooperation. Sandrine Maljean-Dubois observes that preparations for the forthcoming COP15 on biodiversity have gone largely unnoticed. And yet, the ongoing collapse of the planet's biomass is as worrying as climate change Read more
Pablo Ouziel
Today, democratic imaginaries are diluted while parochial understandings of democracy are presented as universal. Such a state of affairs, argues Pablo Ouziel, calls for a deeply diverse speaking-with multilogue amongst democratic traditions Read more
Ian Budge
The climate catastrophe has been forgotten, Ian Budge argues, as NATO extends itself up to the Russian border. Stopping Russia destroying its natural environment should be the real imperative for the West. Recognising this would soften both sides’ aggressive reactions and ease the way to an equable settlement over Ukraine. Read more
Rafal Fabianowicz
The current energy price crisis, the forthcoming European Council meeting and a new German government might create an opportunity to add nuclear energy and transitional fossil fuels to the EU's energy taxonomy. Rafal Fabianowicz assesses the possible outcomes to the ongoing saga Read more
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