Estimating troop losses on both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

In the wake of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, Benjamin J. Radford, Yaoyao Dai, Niklas Stoehr, Aaron Schein, Mya Fernandez, and Hanif Sajid have developed a model to better estimate the loss numbers obscured by the fog of war and the biases of some reporting sources

Estimating losses in Ukraine from biased data

In February 2022, a simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine erupted into a full-scale war. Researchers who study wars often define 'war' by the number of deaths experienced in one year of conflict. In addition to its importance in research, assessments of a conflict's losses are integral to accountability and protection of human rights.

Assessments of a conflict's losses are integral to accountability and protection of human rights

However, precise loss numbers are notoriously difficult to obtain. To better estimate losses obscured by the fog of war, we collected and analysed 4,609 reports about the conflict in Ukraine. We find that Russia has suffered far greater losses than Ukraine, and that both countries likely overestimate the losses of their opponent.

Individual loss numbers are unreliable

Governments have incentives to manipulate numbers representing losses in a military conflict. Among other reasons, loss numbers may be manipulated to manage public opinion, to boost troops' morale, and to convey particular narratives to allies and opponents. Furthermore, loss numbers are likely to vary across sources simply due to differences in available information from the battlefield.

Loss numbers may be manipulated to manage public opinion, to boost troops' morale, and to convey particular narratives

In the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, losses reported by different sources vary by orders of magnitude. For example, on 21 September 2022, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu reported 5,937 Russian soldier fatalities. In the same week, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence (MoD) reported 55,510 Russian military fatalities. On July 20, 2022, the CIA Director reported around 15,000 Russian fatalities since the invasion.

In our recent paper, we use these and similar reports to better estimate the losses suffered by Russia and Ukraine over the first year of the war. We know the data will likely suffer biases depending on who is reporting losses and whose losses they’re reporting on. However, we see this as an opportunity.

In addition to estimating loss values, we estimate the biases associated with reporting sources. Biases are simply multipliers that scale the actual (unknown) loss numbers up or down. Shoigu’s report of 5,937 fatalities is approximately a tenth of the Ukrainian MoD’s number. Ukraine’s number is likely higher than the actual value. Knowing this, we use a statistical model to estimate these biases while we estimate the actual loss numbers. We begin with the assumption that no sources are biased and we let the data tell us if some sources consistently report above or below others.

Estimated biases

Estimated biases for Ukrainian and Russian sources, relative to the country that suffered the loss and the type of loss. Numbers greater than one indicate that sources from that country overestimate losses on average. Numbers less than one indicate underestimation.

Biases in Russian and Ukrainian sources

We find that Russian sources generally underestimate their own losses and overestimate Ukrainian losses. For every Russian soldier killed, Russian sources report only 0.3 losses. On the contrary, for every Ukrainian soldier killed, Russian sources report 4.3 Ukrainian soldiers killed.

Interestingly, Ukrainian overestimates double Russian soldier deaths. But they tend not to over- or underestimate their own troops’ deaths. Both sides underestimate their own casualties by roughly one half. The table below shows Russian and Ukrainian source biases for military casualties, deaths, and loss of tanks by both sides.

Loss countryLoss typenEstimate
Estimated losses for Ukraine and Russia, at 23 February 2023

Our estimates of losses

We find that Russian personnel losses have outpaced Ukrainian personnel losses, with expected loss numbers of 76,687 and 17,223 respectively, as of 23 February 2023. The ratio of casualties to death for Russia and Ukraine are 3:1 and 5:1, respectively. Higher casualty ratios are indicative of better survival rates because they mean fewer wounded soldiers are dying.

Higher casualty ratios are indicative of better survival rates because they mean fewer wounded soldiers are dying

Importantly, we find that Russian and Ukrainian equipment losses are often comparable by category. For example, the expected losses of tanks for Russia and Ukraine are 3,380 and 2,051, respectively.

Ramifications for Russia

Alexandr Burilkov points out that Putin is under pressure from the ultranationalist forces to continue and escalate the war. But the number of Russian personnel losses and comparable equipment losses is paradoxically high. This reflects a narrative of poorly equipped Russian soldiers and ineffective supply lines. Perhaps those in Putin’s inner circle who are pro-negotiation are better informed about actual losses and the under-equipment of their forces.

The second winter of the Russia-Ukraine war will soon be upon us. With high losses, underequipped forces, and ineffective supply lines, Putin may need to reconsider his choices and move towards a peace plan. Inaccurate reports of how the war is going may bolster popular support, but are an ineffective long-term war strategy.

This article presents the views of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the ECPR or the Editors of The Loop.

Contributing Authors

photograph of Benjamin J. Radford Benjamin J. Radford Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, University of North Carolina at Charlotte More by this author
photograph of Yaoyao Dai Yaoyao Dai Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of North Carolina at Charlotte More by this author
photograph of Niklas Stoehr Niklas Stoehr PhD Candidate, Institute for Machine Learning, ETH ZĂĽrich More by this author
photograph of Aaron Schein Aaron Schein Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science Institute, University of Chicago More by this author
photograph of Mya Fernandez Mya Fernandez Juris Doctor Candidate, University of North Carolina School of Law More by this author
photograph of Hanif Sajid Hanif Sajid PhD Candidate, Public Policy (Fulbright), University of North Carolina at Charlotte More by this author

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34 comments on “Estimating troop losses on both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war”

  1. Will NATO replenish its stock piles to support Ukraine?

    Will the Republicans veto support in the House of Representatives?

    Will Europe realise when its too late that its not just an invasion of Ukraine but a war between East and West?


        How do you come by the information you are reporting on.
        Please state why Ukraine is corrupt compared to Russia.
        I do not know so please inform us.
        Here is what I do know.
        Russia not Ukraine is the aggressor. It was Putin who lied to the world with his pretend exorcise he used as a prelude to invade Ukraine. Even to the point he maintained his troops were pulling away from the training area. Like we are imbecilic and did not spot the extra vehicles, and troop movement forming up on the Ukrainian border. Photographs are powerful evidence. Added to that he invaded to countries before Ukraine.
        Please in your reply do not mention NAZI. All countries have NAZI thinkers in them. That includes Russia.
        So if you want to support Putin, by all means go ahead. It is called democracy something your assertions and allegations fail to understand.

      2. I have yet to see a phrase written all caps that has a lick of sense in it. Its an excellent lithmius test to understand if something is BS or not

  2. These numbers are a ludicrous fantasy, designed only to bolster Ukrainian resolve. Anybody can see the footage for themselves -- on any number of websites. The Ukrainian's have suffered catastrophic losses, and there's really no sense in lying about it anymore.

    1. This article is an insult to the intelligence of a monkey. It's obvious that it is propaganda intended to cheer on the neocon warmongers in Washington and the traitorous, anti-Ukrainian Zelensky regime.

      1. Yes Sergei, it is pure fantasy that Russias's crumbling military and drug-fuelled soldiers can be anything but successful.

        As for the Anti-Ukrainian Zelensky, yes indeed, he should surrender to Russia so that Putin can obliterate the Ukrainian identity and replace it with his own tyrannical vision.

        You people are laughable, your propaganda is terrible and you provide nothing more than a joke for westerners to laugh at.

      2. This are all lies made by the collective west. Ukrainian soldiers have already reached half a million either dead or wounded. This war isn't about Ukraine, it's all about exchausting Russia, dismantle it and get rid of Putin. They don't give a damn about Ukraine.

  3. Russia is the only party to be able to make peace. Withdraw unilaterally and leave all Ukrainian occupied territories. Now this will not happen and the demilitarization of Europe will continue. The West is not adding new systems which is frustrating to me - though their capabilities are going down. Russia is loosing more the it could produce thus their balance sheet is going down. Even if we assume 15% of the Russian army gone there is still 85% left. That is still way too much even 50% is too much. But that would bring us to an estimated end of this conflict by 2027 (if this process is not accelerated, I assume a deceleration). It also means that we have not reached the halfway point in this conflict.

  4. Well done. Congratulations to the authors of this article for lying to the people of the world. Looks like they got good money bags from deep state government officials.

    Imagine our future generations studying as students under these kind of professors and educators who lie to disseminate misinformation and aid in government propaganda.

    This is exactly why you have to study and do your own research in this world.

  5. You say that you’re cross referencing sources to see the ones deviating from the norm. However, outside of the Russian and Ukrainian sources, which countries provided the other sources? There is a surprising lack of methodology presented with as validation for your data.

    Your entire research falls apart if the “neutral”/control sources are biased to one side. The really wild thing is, outside of Russia and Ukraine, the only countries that provide intelligence figures on losses are all actively arming Ukraine.

    So, how come you needed an entire team of data scientists to put together this paper, yet none of you remembered to address the possibility that the neutral data is flawed?

  6. I will not comment on your figures. But my estimate, considering mostly Russia's close to 10 times larger fire power (cannons/ bombs) is, by 2023 year-end: 400 000 ukrainian deaths vs 60 000 russian deaths.

    1. I estimate 560 000-700 000 Ukrainian/American/NATO/Volunteer deaths and 130 000-210 000 Russian/Chinese/Volunteer deaths by the end of 2025.

      As we get closer to May, the intensity of the war will increase. The US Democratic Party and their donors will need to launder as much money as they can before they are wiped clean by December, a month after Trump will be elected president.

      If Trump fails to get elected, Russia will initiate Phase 4: Alliance with China. China has unrivaled industrial power and Russia holds the majority of the world's gold reserve. They will crush NATO in self defense, much in the same way that NATO has crushed the Middle East and Northern Africa in "self defense".

  7. This is some of the worst methodology I've ever seen in a asserted "research study".
    1. Get numbers from biased sources.
    2. Multiply them by numbers you pulled from your you know what.
    3. Announce you have the real numbers.
    Mediazone, for example, can only find evidence of 40,000 Russian dead at the end of 2023, and they have a team trawling every source they can since the start of the war.

  8. It's a simple fact that if Ukraine's casualty count is lower than Russian. Why can't Ukraine make any significant gains
    So it's pretty obvious Ukraine is losing far more than Russia
    In the long haul Ukraine is in fact destined to lose
    Russia can field 5 men to every Ukrainian 1
    Russia can out produce all western countries in terms of equipment because of western deindustrialization from caving in to environmentalism and climate change
    The west is too too jacked up to be effective

  9. I read that the only soldiers left to fight on the Ukrainian side are those aged 43 years and older. Ukraine is trying to get back the population who fled to other countries. They are trying to pressure these countries to disallow fled ukranian citizens to stay in these countries and want these citizen forced to return to Ukraine to refuel a dipleated fighting force. If you were to take a count of those citizens of fighting age up to the age of 43, minus those who escaped for their safety, you might be able to come up with a more accurate casualty number.I don't believe the numbers shown from this site. How can it be this overly estimate,when taking into consideration the larger man army of russia and the larger cache of weapon available. Who are they trying to kid. A vote for Trump is a vote to stop the wanton death toll. I am afraid that history will state that a whole generation of Ukrainians has been exterminated and a large majority of it's land was bought up by Black Rock. How come there is numerous demand for Israel to conduct peace talk, while any narrative of the same between Ukraine and Russia has never been discussed. I wrote my U.S. representitive, scolding him for funding foreign wars. His response? He gave me a gold star for putting with my name for contributing my input. Most likely, my message was never read and the star puts me on a government list and makes me easily identifiable as a white supremist terrorist. A labeling that couldn't be further from the truth. I am against the killing of a whole generation of a nations people,killing that could have been avoided if not for the money being made by the industrialize weapon manufacturers.

  10. Just came across this article and it is an absolute fantasy. These people obviously have no credibility.

  11. It certainly seems that the Russian bots/trolls/shills are still very active in comments on all aspects of the WAR, waged by RuZZia against Ukraine and in all avenues of reporting and discussion. The losses identified in this report closely parallel and align with the figures presented by other reliable sources, as of 23 February 2023.

  12. Russia: better equipments, more firepower, better tactics, better personnel and yet you "estimate" they took more casualties?
    What a joke!

    1. yes, I'm pretty sure, if we check who has funded this theloop-guys there will be no surprise.
      Russia has a 5:1 till 10:1 advantage in artillery firepower over the whole period of the war even the Ukrainian general staff admitted this on several occasions. Russia has air-superiority and a big advantage in long distance strikes, missile and even drone warfare.
      I've read that more than 85 % of the casualties on both sides are the result of artillery strikes, which is typical in a war of attrition. Let assume a 5:1 advantage for Russia in firepower according to Ukrainian statements and ca. 120.000 estimated Russian soldiers k.i.a. according to the plausible approach of mediazona (, then we just have to do the math and end up with over 500.000 Ukrainian soldiers k.i.a!

  13. It would appear that this article's research data has relied upon " info" from Feb '23 - which taking into account the events since ie now sept '24 -that events and data have well and truely moved on- for example, Russia now relies in part on a teenage conscript army, unwilling or unable to fight, be it thru poor training or motivation.
    For every death , there's, historically been 3 wounded, casualties- alive but no longer on the battlefield. The trench warfare I, months of it indicates that Russian casualties have accelerated over the last 18 months, and as they return home, people talk - so for this to have an effect within Russia, indicates the level of dead (yes they do talk-via friends, family etc) plus survivors that for this to impact Russian society. Ow so generally indicates a level of dead and injured way above the numbers reflected here. Probably approaching a million, all up

  14. Its all war propaganda to show NATO supported Ukraine has an upper edge. But the truth is Ukraine is on the brink of defeat. 2025 will be the year end of Zelensky and end of war in Russia's favour.

  15. Starting to read this article I was immediatly struck by this part of a sentence: “full-scale war”. The description of choice of almost alle Western media to describe this conflict. So the standard Western bias is, to me, definitely, confirmed. You “scientist”, you actually have no idea what a real full-scale war by Russia would mean.
    The magnitude of then pure undiluted destruction would boggle your poor minds.

  16. The Ukrainian government is mostly to blame for this situation. Remember the Ukrainian neonaxi and western organized riots to overthrow the legal elected government in Ukraine. Then when the Donbass residents voted to leave the Ukrainian state the Ukrainian government sent the army to Donbass to end the sedition. This caused 18 thousand Ukrainian troops there to mutiny and fight against the Ukrainian army and the war was on. What about the hundreds of anti Ukrainian government demonstrators who were killed when Ukrainian neo-nazis set fire to the government building they were occupying. The Ukrainian government has yet to learn their lesson as now they have outlawed the orthodox church in Ukraine. I do not think that the Russian government acted too much different than most other governments would under the same situation. Do not forget that Ukraine had by far the most powerful army in western Europe at the time and the russians were very afraid of them.

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