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Vladimir Putin

June 4, 2024

How real is the threat of the populist far right in the European Parliament elections?

James F. Downes James F. Downes argues that elections to the European Parliament will likely lead to record representation for populist far-right parties. Lack of unity and ideological divisions, however, will make it difficult for the far right to wield any real power Read more
March 14, 2024

The third year of the Ukraine war and its possible end

Albrecht Rothacher Drawing parallels with the end of the First World War, Albrecht Rothacher looks at the prospects for an end to war in Ukraine. He starts with the worst-case scenario and then considers four further ways in which hostilities might end Read more
March 4, 2024

🌈 Lessons on authoritarian regime dynamics from Russia’s politics of domestic violence

Janet Elise Johnson Russia has engaged in some dramatic genderbashing. Most notably in its proclaimed embrace of 'traditional values' as part of an attempt to justify its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. However, writes Janet Elise Johnson, its politics of domestic violence over the last decade have been remarkably contentious Read more
February 6, 2024

A new axis of evil?

Albrecht Rothacher The ‘Axis of Evil’ coined by President George W. Bush is not so much redundant for Washington today as in need of descriptive expansion, argues Albrecht Rothacher. The threat of a new enlarged axis of evil is all the greater for the increasing neo-isolationism of the United States Read more
January 24, 2024

An impending world conflagration – and all the result of Western neglect

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that longstanding Western neglect and weakness in the face of rising aggression from authoritarian regimes threatens worldwide conflagration. Post-1991 dreams of a new international order have been definitively shattered – and the West’s current positions do nothing to reduce the risks Read more
December 11, 2023

How Russia's educational 'Olympiads' end up spreading anti-regime attitudes

Victoria Portnaya We used to believe that autocratic educational policies stifled free thought. However, as Russia's meritocratic policy supporting talented youth shows, state-created incentives can serve to spread 'dissident' ideas that differ from those presented in national exams. These ideas, writes Victoria Portnaya, may be adopted by a significant portion of schoolchildren preparing for intellectual competitions Read more
November 7, 2023

The influence of Private Military Companies on global security

Simone Rinaldi The history of private military activity goes back centuries, but modern-day Private Military Companies are a complex and controversial phenomenon in the global security landscape. Simone Rinaldi and Daniela Irrera argue that their role, and the implications of their use, raise significant challenges for the actors who employ them Read more
August 24, 2023

Estimating troop losses on both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

Benjamin J. Radford In the wake of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, Benjamin J. Radford, Yaoyao Dai, Niklas Stoehr, Aaron Schein, Mya Fernandez, and Hanif Sajid have developed a model to better estimate the loss numbers obscured by the fog of war and the biases of somereporting sources Read more

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