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How urban climate action is fuelling populist backlash

July 25, 2024

💊 Opportunities and potential pitfalls of AI-supported democracy

July 23, 2024

A first step, but a long road ahead for Ukraine’s peace process

July 22, 2024

🔮 Feminist mobilisation, sexism, and radical-right support in Spain

July 18, 2024

🎭 What can we learn from Poland’s queer capital, Poznań?

July 17, 2024
July 16, 2024

French elections: did Macron’s gamble pay off?

Giovanni Capoccia In calling a snap election Emmanuel Macron aimed to achieve 'clarity' on the will of French voters after defeat of his presidential list in the European elections by Marine Le Pen's far-right Rassemblement National (RN). Giovanni Capoccia explores the wisdom of this move in light of the outcome Read more
July 15, 2024

UK general election tests limits of first-past-the-post system

Hannah Bunting Majoritarian elections produce decisive governments that enact their policies with clear majorities. Hannah Bunting explains how parties competing in a winner-takes-all system secured a landslide for the UK Labour party with just a third of popular support Read more
July 11, 2024

Being part of international relations: academics moving abroad 

Ruairidh Brown The International University Campus is a site of relationality, write Ruairidh J Brown and Kerstin Tomiak. It a space of cultural and political interchange and creation of co-constituted knowledge. This challenges the traditional view in International Relations of Higher Education as a mere tool of soft power. Read more
July 10, 2024

⛓️ ‘The case for neutrality as academic freedom’: a response

Adam Standring Political neutrality in the face of injustice serves to maintain the status quo. Responding to Hana Kubátová’s blog piece, Adam Standring underlines the moral necessity of organisations like ECPR taking a strong political stance in the face of violence in Palestine and a crackdown on critical voices in the West Read more
July 9, 2024

What aspects of political representation matter to citizens?

Liron Lavi Liron Lavi and Clareta Treger argue that citizens hold a multi-dimensional perception of political representation. Using Israel as a case study, they find that citizens feel represented on dimensions that are not important to them, and also on dimensions that reflect their satisfaction with democracy Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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