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April 13, 2022

Putin’s revolt against liberal modernity

Richard Sakwa Richard Sakwa argues that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the culmination of a long period of increasing tensions between Russia and the West. The portents were not only ignored by the West, but misunderstood, and security concerns became part of a broader cultural alienation Read more
April 4, 2022

🌊 Orbán is returned to power in Hungary

Kinga Korányi Viktor Orbán has just emerged victorious in the Hungarian national election of 3 April, despite his pro-Russian stance and friendship with Vladimir Putin, which had been expected to tarnish his party Fidesz’s popularity. Kinga Koranyi argues that Fidesz managed to turn its response to the war in Ukraine into a successful campaign tool Read more
April 1, 2022

The psychology of war: analysing Putin's motivations

Consuelo Thiers Understanding political leaders' psychology is crucial to making sense of foreign policy decision-making processes. Consuelo Thiers highlights Putin's change of beliefs as a key factor in explaining his decision to wage war against Ukraine Read more
March 30, 2022

Founded for peace, spending for defence: the EU and the invasion of Ukraine

Valentina Ausserladscheider Germany's recently announced increase in defence spending reflects a broader European shift in response to the war in Ukraine. Using the concept of path dependency, Valentina Ausserladscheider believes that this shift breaks with the founding idea of peace in the European Union Read more
March 29, 2022

Why Russia's invasion of Ukraine has struggled to achieve breakthrough

Jan Kofroň When Russia invaded Ukraine four weeks ago, many expected a quick Russian victory. And yet Ukrainians are fighting hard, making Russian advances costly to the invaders. Jan Kofroň and Jakub Stauber argue that the slow Russian progress is unsurprising. Quick victories are rare in modern warfare. Read more
March 28, 2022

Why Putin’s invasion of Ukraine had to happen

Grant Dawson Grant Dawson and Nicholas Ross Smith argue that the West’s sweeping sanctions, isolation of Russia and passive-aggressive military support for Ukraine is fundamentally misguided. The problem with the US-led response is that it ignores – in fact, exacerbates – the deep-rooted ontological security concerns behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion Read more
March 21, 2022

🌊 Change is possible in Hungary

Andrew Richard Ryder Since 2010, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has carried through measures that have undermined the rule of law, with no prospect for changing this trajectory. However, argues Andrew Richard Ryder, current events present opportunities for a return to democratic values in Hungary Read more
March 11, 2022

Putin’s game of ‘chicken’ in Ukraine

Paul Whiteley Putin is staking everything on his conviction that the west won’t press the nuclear button, says Paul Whiteley. Sanctions will have little short-term impact, and a no-fly zone is of limited use when the major threat comes from ground-based artillery. Is it time for NATO to change tack, and go ‘all in’ against the dictator? Read more

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