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December 6, 2021

The Italian Presidential election is looming – and jockeying for position has begun

Nicholas Whithorn In January, Italy must elect a new President in a ritual equivalent to a Papal conclave. The likely contenders are already emerging, but, argues Nicholas Whithorn, there are no certainties in this election – especially when there are complications concerning the favourite, Mario Draghi Read more
December 3, 2021

The death of the federal state in Ghana – and the lessons for federalists everywhere

Dennis Penu How do federal states die? Dennis Penu looks at the case of Ghana, explaining that a federal state can die gradually rather than suddenly. In crisis situations such as the current pandemic, political forces can easily exploit such gradual change Read more
December 2, 2021

The media chooses who has won (and lost) an election – and it's not just based on objective electoral performance

Katjana Gattermann Media reports on elections often refer to the 'winners' and 'losers'. Yet, especially in multi-party systems, there is often more than one way to interpret election results. How the media frames election results does not depend only on parties’ objective performance, write Katjana Gattermann, Thomas M. Meyer and Katharina Wurzer. It also depends on also on party ideology Read more
November 30, 2021

What is the future for EU referendums post-Brexit?

Kai Oppermann Post-Brexit, support for EU referendums persists in the party systems of most EU member states. Kai Oppermann finds that this support mainly comes from Eurosceptic opposition parties, often on the populist far-right, and that the Brexit effect on party positions has been relatively weak and uneven Read more
November 29, 2021

Sudan’s army is at a stalemate, and the costs are mounting

Hager Ali A military coup on 25 October put an abrupt end to Sudan’s fragile democratic transition. Hager Ali argues that although the coup pre-empted a foreseeable power-transfer, the military also created a much bigger problem for itself. The same socio-political conditions that kept al-Bashir in power for decades now threaten the military’s capacity to govern Read more
November 29, 2021

🦋 To understand democracy we need democratic theory

Tom Theuns Tom Theuns argues Jean-Paul Gagnon’s ‘data mountain’ project cannot achieve its goals because of fundamental problems of over-inclusion and under-inclusion, problems that can only be solved by recourse to democratic theory. But that is not to say that the project is without value Read more
November 25, 2021

🦋 On different ways to intend democracy, and to study it

Andrea Felicetti Andrea Felicetti writes that Gagnon’s data mountain is not a guarantee against biases and partiality. In addition to words, we must pay attention to people, their customs and practices, to better grasp what democracy entails Read more
November 24, 2021

Third time lucky? The Bulgarian parliamentary elections

Dragomir Stoyanov The third consecutive parliamentary elections in just seven months have turned up the political heat in Bulgaria, writes Dragomir Stoyanov. Record low turnout, along with the election of new party We Continue the Change, will lead to the formation of a new government – albeit a fragile one Read more

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