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European Union

September 23, 2021

What AfD can(not) expect from this Sunday’s general election

Manès Weisskircher Alternative für Deutschland is not expected to make gains at this Sunday’s general election in Germany, yet it is essential to scrutinise the party’s strongholds, writes Manès Weisskircher. AfD’s strength in the east is not just relevant for the party's future. It may also shape German politics in the medium term Read more
September 18, 2021

The EU’s human rights policy is deficient, but not in the way you might think

Johanne Døhlie Saltnes The EU often faces criticism for conducting an inconsistent and arbitrary human rights policy. This critique is misguided and overlooks a more fundamental problem with the policy, argues Johanne Døhlie Saltnes: that it tends to be executive-driven, precluding the participation of individuals and affected groups Read more
September 2, 2021

EU international LGBTI rights promotion: coherent, consistent and effective?

Markus Thiel The EU’s promotion of LGBTI human rights has provoked disputes over these rights, and the way they are promoted. Focusing on civil pluralism and democratic consolidation would make the EU a more reflective and effective actor, argues Markus Thiel Read more
August 24, 2021

🌊 Citizens pay the highest price for illiberal governments

Akudo McGee Escalating rule of law crises in Poland and Hungary have led to calls for their expulsion from the European Union. Yet, argues Akudo McGee, such calls overlook the fact that the true losers of Polexit or Hungexit won’t be unruly governments Read more
August 3, 2021

Will Brexit break up the United Kingdom?

Michael Keating The United Kingdom has left the European Union in order to restore its national sovereignty. Yet the cost may be the break up of the UK itself, writes Michael Keating Read more
July 21, 2021

Recent court rulings suggest that European Commission policy on tax evasion and state aid is failing

Elena Escalante Block The European Commission is losing cases related to state aid taxation in the European General Court. If the Commission continues to suffer defeat against multinationals like Amazon, Apple and Starbucks, this could undermine the authority of its decisions on state aid, argues Elena Escalante Block Read more
July 19, 2021

Why Europe could be denying the ‘most vulnerable’ refugees safe, legal routes to protection

Natalie Welfens Safe and legal pathways to protection in Europe are scarce. Officially, states should admit only ‘the most vulnerable’ refugees. Yet, writes Natalie Welfens, humanitarian considerations are increasingly bound up with concerns about refugees' social and cultural fit with the admission state Read more
July 14, 2021

Why right-wing populist parties are more successful in some countries than in others

Léonie De Jonge Right-wing populism is not contagious; it only spreads if mainstream parties and the media diffuse it. This helps explain why right-wing populist parties are more successful in the Netherlands and Flanders than in Luxembourg and Wallonia, writes Léonie de Jonge Read more

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