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women's representation

August 31, 2022

Chile's draft Constitution is for women, too

Julieta Suárez-Cao The draft of a new Magna Carta in Chile proves that a constitution of and for women is possible, writes Julieta Suárez-Cao. But uncertainty lies ahead: polls regarding the constitutional vote on September 4th indicate it could be rejected Read more
July 29, 2022

Women’s football in Central and Eastern Europe: from anti-communist revolutions to gender politics

Roland Benedikter In women’s international football, teams from Western Europe dominate, while Central and Eastern European countries are absent. Roland Benedikter and Dariusz Wojtaszyn explore why women’s football apparently enjoys more success in Western than in Eastern Europe, and whether there is an appetite for change Read more
March 11, 2022

Representation is not enough: women briefing the UN Security Council

Louise Olsson Inviting more women to brief the United Nations Security Council helps include them in decision-making on international peace and security. But despite progress, observe Louise Olsson and Anna Marie Obermeier, challenges remain. The Council must integrate recommendations from women's voices into decision-making Read more
August 16, 2021

Nevertheless, she persisted: what we know about women running for office in the United States

Rachel Bernhard Why does the United States have such a persistently poor record on gender equality? Rachel Bernhard looks beyond the stereotypes at political outcomes within groups to understand when, where, and how inequality persists Read more
May 25, 2021

Voters can close the gender gap in Latvia's forthcoming municipal elections

Laura Dean Candidate lists in Latvia contain only 38.6% women. Latvia is unlikely to improve women’s representation in its municipal elections unless Latvian voters adopt preference voting, and 'plus' their women candidates, writes Laura Dean Read more

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