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July 18, 2024

🔮 Feminist mobilisation, sexism, and radical-right support in Spain

Eva Anduiza Eva Anduiza and Guillem Rico argue that sexist attitudinal backlash is partially responsible for the rise of the Spanish radical populist right. The electoral consequences of changes in sexist attitudes seem to be related more to heightened feminist mobilisation than to the increasing visibility and normalisation of the radical right Read more
November 10, 2023

🔮 Nostalgia and populism

Ezgi Elçi From Trump's 'Make America Great Again' to Turkey's Ottoman yearning, Ezgi Elçi explores the potent interplay of nostalgia and populism in shaping global politics. He delves into the captivating nexus of past and present, where leaders promise to resurrect authenticity in an era of uncertainty Read more
August 2, 2023

A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: Spain’s general election

Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín and Asbel Bohigues continue the Loop's coverage of Spain's 23 July general election, analysing the results and the (im)possible parliamentary alliances. They highlight that the left has a chance to continue in government but that a repetition of the election is not implausible Read more
July 27, 2023

Peripheral parties hold the key in the aftermath of the Spanish elections

Sonia Alonso Sáenz de Oger After Spain’s parliamentary elections on Sunday, the national right parties won more seats, but the left parties have a better chance of governing. Sonia Alonso and Bonnie N. Field examine the territorial and national identity divisions that will make or break governance Read more
November 3, 2022

Italy’s changing international outlook under Meloni

Massimo D'Angelo On 21 October 2022, Giorgia Meloni became the first female Italian Prime Minister. She is also the head of the most right-wing government in the history of the Republic. Massimo D’Angelo explores the implications for Italy’s foreign policy and European outlook, as well as the lure of authoritarianism in some European governments Read more
September 30, 2022

🌊 The fascist zeitgeist

Luca Manucci Luca Manucci argues that illiberalism and autocratisation have too readily been labelled as ‘populism’, an all-embracing concept which simply helps to provide cover to the neo-fascist cause. This has led to surprise when a politician like Giorgia Meloni, leading a party with neo-fascist roots, reaches the brink of power Read more
August 27, 2021

🌊 Harnessing illiberalism’s analytical leverage

Julian G. Waller Some contemporary political developments take inspiration from fascism. But analogies between modern anti-liberal reaction and earlier totalitarian ideologies tend to obscure more than they enlighten. The concept of illiberalism allows us to make cross-national, ideational comparisons – especially transhistorical ones, writes Julian G. Waller Read more
August 9, 2021

Left-wing austerity during international crises – it’s the financial markets, stupid!

Damian Raess Surprisingly, left governments adopted more conservative fiscal policies than right governments in recent economic crises. Governments did not choose these policies freely; rather, the financial markets imposed them. Nonetheless, argues Damian Raess, they appear to have dire electoral consequences: left-leaning voters are increasingly voting with their feet Read more

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