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political science discipline

May 22, 2024

⛓️ What is political science for? A comment on ECPR’s silence over Gaza

Vladimir Bortun Last month, a group of scholars submitted an open letter to ECPR's Executive Committee, calling upon it to condemn the Israeli military campaign in Gaza. ECPR declined. This, says Vladimir Bortun, was a missed opportunity. Here, he argues that the political science community should use the catastrophe in Gaza to open up debate about the mission of ECPR – and about the very purpose of political science Read more
April 25, 2023

⛓️ Political science at risk: challenges to academic freedom

Daniela Irrera Scholars have the essential right to pursue knowledge, to engage in critical thinking, and to challenge dominant ideas and practices. Yet, in countries around the world, academic freedom is under threat. Daniela Irrera argues that to protect academic freedom, we must renew efforts to identify what threatens it – and resist the challenges it faces Read more
March 8, 2023

The Loop’s gender balance, and the 50:50 challenge

Johanne Døhlie Saltnes The Loop turns two years old today. On the occasion of our second birthday, Academic Editors Johanne Døhlie Saltnes and Martin Bull reflect on the gender balance among our authors. The Loop has taken some initiatives to bolster the proportion of female contributors, but there is still room for improvement Read more
January 29, 2022

🦋 A rigorous debate on intra-disciplinary boundaries and democracy

Gergana Dimova In the 🦋 Science of Democracy series, Jean-Paul Gagnon has started an intra-disciplinary debate between democratic theory and comparative politics. The reasons to overcome this disciplinary clash are better than the reasons to embrace it, writes Gergana Dimova Read more
July 15, 2021

What is the role of political science in public debate? A sobering lesson from Italy

Andrea Pritoni Political scientists are typically accused of remaining in their ivory towers. YePolitical scientists are often accused of hiding away in ivory towers, yet their participation could significantly enhance public debate. Andrea Pritoni and Giulia Vicentini analyse one such case, in Italy. In so doing, they discover a missed opportunity to increase the social relevance of the disciplinet their participation could enhance public debate and increase the social relevance of the discipline. Andrea Pritoni and Giulia Vicentini analyse one such case, in Italian public debate, and discover a missed opportunity Read more
October 14, 2020

The relevance of political science and the public responsibility of political scientists

Matthew Flinders Political scientists face increasing demands to demonstrate the relevance of their research beyond the academy (the so-called ‘impact agenda’). Matthew Flinders argues that this should be seen less a threat to the discipline’s autonomy than an opportunity to rise to public responsibilities Read more
September 30, 2020

How to teach comfortably in an online world: the core principles of learning

Heidi Maurer Heidi Maurer and Silviu Piros remind us that there is no silver bullet to meet the challenge of online teaching. Keep it simple, use the tools you are comfortable with, and create meaningful social connections with (and among) students Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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