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far-right extremism

April 20, 2023

Curb your climate enthusiasm, here come the populists!

Vlad Surdea-Hernea Far-right populist parties have become crucial actors in shaping domestic policymaking across European democracies. Vlad Surdea-Hernea argues that populists have sensed an opportunity in the increasing salience of climate change. They have turned their attention towards limiting ambitious climate policy, thereby impeding or even reversing pro-environmental progress Read more
April 19, 2023

🔮 Narendra Modi: India's 'vulnerable' strongman populist leader

Proma Raychaudhury Focusing on Narendra Modi’s populist leadership in India, Proma Ray Chaudhury argues that displays of vulnerability by strongman populist leaders can offer insights into the resilience of populist regimes Read more
March 9, 2023

🌈 Democracy, gender equality and democratic backsliding

Emanuela Lombardo As far-right populist political parties and anti-gender movements gather momentum across Europe, democracy and gender equality come under increasing threat. Emanuela Lombardo shows how a concomitant rise in attacks on gender equality accelerates the process of democratic decline Read more
November 4, 2022

How far-right groups survive against all the odds

Sabine Volk Germany’s largest far-right protest movement, PEGIDA, this month celebrates eight years of mobilisation and protest activity. Its survival, argues Sabine Volk, is a puzzle not explained by social movement theory. She explores an overlooked explanatory factor: PEGIDA's repetitive protest ritual Read more
November 3, 2022

Italy’s changing international outlook under Meloni

Massimo D'Angelo On 21 October 2022, Giorgia Meloni became the first female Italian Prime Minister. She is also the head of the most right-wing government in the history of the Republic. Massimo D’Angelo explores the implications for Italy’s foreign policy and European outlook, as well as the lure of authoritarianism in some European governments Read more
October 28, 2022

A second Bolsonaro term could be the point of no return for Brazilian democracy

Eduardo Burkle Bolsonaro's first term saw a decline in democracy and human rights in Brazil. Recent attacks on the media and judiciary, arguing election fraud, show how a second term for the far-right populist would only enhance Brazilian autocratisation. Democracy is on the line as the run-off elections approach, writes Eduardo Burkle Read more
September 28, 2022

🌊 The Swedish elections: takeaways for the study of illiberalism

Gefjon Off The Swedish elections show that even the most liberal democracies are not immune to the rise of illiberal forces. Gefjon Off discusses the role of normalisation of the radical right, young men’s conservatism, and online mobilisation Read more
April 4, 2022

Germany’s civil-military relations are a multi-partisan failure

Hager Ali Years of austerity has stifled Germany’s army, the Bundeswehr, but Hager Ali argues that money is the least of it. Salvaging the Bundeswehr means reconfiguring German military professionalism – and fixing its relations with the public Read more

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