Judeonationalism: calling out antisemitism to discredit Muslims

Accusations of antisemitism are an effective strategy to discredit Muslims and their views, argues Sanne van Oosten. This 'Judeonationalism' mirrors other forms of instrumentalisation of vulnerable groups. 'Femonationalism' and 'homonationalism', for example, exploit gender equality and gay rights to marginalise cultural others, particularly Muslims


Against the backdrop of the war on Gaza, Jewish people across the world are experiencing increasing antisemitism, face to face and in their online lives. Indeed, antisemitism was on the rise even before the 7 October attacks in Israel.

Yet when political leaders choose to speak out against antisemitism, often a Muslim antagonist is just around the corner. This begs the question: are politicians' concerns about antisemitism genuine? Or are they exploiting antisemitism to discredit Muslims, and the causes Muslims are more likely to support?

Recent research shows that, on average, people are quite unlikely to discriminate against same-sex parents, women and even ethnic-minority politicians. There is, however, much debate about whether this shift is genuine or the result of social desirability bias. Some scholars point to the increasing tendency – among educated people, in particular – to conceal their prejudice in order to portray themselves as civil.

Antisemitism, homophobia, racism and sexism are all socially unacceptable. What makes prejudice against Muslims more palatable?

It seems, however, that many people don't bother to conceal their bias against Muslims. This manifests particularly in prejudice against Muslim representation in politics and in the labour market. Muslims remain a group that is highly stigmatised, discriminated against, and politically underrepresented in most western societies. Moreover, people are not afraid to admit it.

Nowadays, the vast majority would agree that expressions of antisemitism, homophobia, racism and sexism are 'uncivil'. What, therefore, makes prejudice against Muslims more palatable than these other forms of prejudice?

Civil norms

Research suggests that current-day nationalism is embedded in civil norms. In western societies, gender equality is a common topic in debates on Muslim integration. For example, field experiments show that bystanders are less likely to help a Muslim woman in a hijab who has dropped a bag of lemons than they are to help a non-Muslim lemon-dropper. However, if those same bystanders have listened to the Muslim woman on the phone shortly before dropping her lemons, and she was vocally supporting gender equality, they are more likely to step in and help.

This resonates with the literature on femonationalism, which contends that political actors weaponise gender equality to justify who does and does not belong. The reasoning is that drawing attention to sexism among Muslims creates confusion in people with an egalitarian worldview who would otherwise support women’s rights and oppose anti-Muslim discrimination.

Drawing attention to sexism among Muslims creates confusion in people with an egalitarian worldview

Similarly, homonationalism questions the justification of Islamophobia by pointing to homophobia among Muslims. Homonationalist narratives posit gay rights as being undisputed in Western countries, in contrast with other supposedly backward, homophobic cultures, particularly in Muslim-majority countries.

Scholars have long debated whether using women’s and gay rights to discredit cultural others is genuine or instrumental. To explore this genuine/instrumental conundrum, a recent UK survey experiment divided respondents into two random groups. The control group read a newspaper article about protests by British parents over LGBT school lessons. The other group read the same article, except the protesters pictured were in Muslim dress and had Arabic names. Those who saw the newspaper article featuring Muslim protesters were significantly more likely to support LGBT rights, especially those respondents with anti-immigration attitudes.

We need more research into whether politicians deliberately mobilise LGBT narratives. But the abovementioned UK survey already shows that purported support for LGBT rights may not be entirely genuine.


Much research has been published on the impact of narratives of women’s and gay rights to discredit or support Muslims. More recently, antisemitism has been exploited for the same cause. In the shadow of the Holocaust, accusations of antisemitism inevitably stifle modern-day debates on Israel and Gaza.

On 7 March 2024, I coined the term 'Judeonationalism' in a magazine article. My aim was to show how effective antisemitic narratives are in discrediting Muslims.

Survey research shows that Muslims in Europe are indeed less likely to support gender equality and homotolerance. Muslims are much more likely than Christians to agree that 'Jews cannot be trusted'. The data also shows that strong criticism of Israel correlates with antisemitism, though moderate criticism does not.

So, when a political leader denounces antisemitism, how can we tell whether they truly mean it, or whether they have an ulterior motive?

Contemporary antisemitism

The problems with antisemitism on the left of the political spectrum are well documented. But data show that antisemitism is much more prevalent among right-wingers. Left-wing voters hold significantly less antisemitic attitudes than moderates. Right-wing voters, meanwhile, most notably those on the far right and those who believe in conspiracy theories, are significantly more likely than moderates to hold antisemitic attitudes.

Increased antisemitism stems from the same far-right online actors who previously promoted anti-Muslim speech

The difference is particularly stark among far-right voters aged 18–30. This demographic is by far the most likely to hold antisemitic views, particularly the belief that Jews hold 'too much power'.

Nonetheless, among left- and right-wing voters, there is more anti-Muslim than anti-Jewish sentiment, particularly on the right. Research on the relationship between online antisemitic and Islamophobic language shows that increased antisemitism stems from the same far-right online actors who previously promoted anti-Muslim speech. Indeed, anti-Muslim prejudice and antisemitism share a cultural logic, though anti-Muslim prejudice is much more common.

Destructive animosity

Ultimately, increased Islamophobia leads to an alternation between anti-Muslim prejudice and antisemitism. Strengthening anti-Muslim attitudes strengthens antisemitism. Pitting Muslim and Jewish communities against each other will thus fail to create safety or equality for either group, no matter how much people claim they are acting in Jewish interests.

In short, every time political leaders speak out against antisemitism, ask yourself the question: is it genuine or instrumental? The subsequent discrediting of cultural others could serve as a hint that it might be the latter.

This article presents the views of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the ECPR or the Editors of The Loop.


photograph of Sanne van Oosten
Sanne van Oosten
Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford

Sanne's research focuses on intergroup conflict, migration attitudes, politics, public opinion and voting behaviour.

She in an expert in data analysis using (conjoint) experiments, meta-analyses, and survey data.

Sanne is completing her PhD in political science at the University of Amsterdam, where she researched minority voting and political representation.

Her current research focuses on discrimination against Muslim, Black and Roma minorities by employers, landlords, and childcare providers and the resultant impact on the well-being and identification of these minorities.

This research is part of the Horizon 2020 project EqualStrength.

Sanne's previous work has been published in journals such as Legislative Studies, Electoral Studies, Public Integrity and Acta Politica.



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6 comments on “Judeonationalism: calling out antisemitism to discredit Muslims”

  1. This is gross. Even the term “judeonationalism” is gross and antisemitic. Would you call Muslims concerned about “Islamophobia” Islamonationalists? No, because you hold Jews to different standards. That’s antisemitism. The fact is Muslims are the most antisemitic group and are behind a lot of the rising antisemitism.

  2. As for anti-Muslim bigotry being more common, this is false. Jews are much more likely to be victims of a hate crime than Muslims. The claim that conservatives are more antisemitic is also a lie. Recent polls show that conservatives are actually are less likely to believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial: https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/econTabReport_tT4jyzG.pdf

    The demographic that has the most positive views of Jews are evangelical Christians, who tend to be very conservative: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/02/15/americans-express-increasingly-warm-feelings-toward-religious-groups/

    Any dislike of Muslims is coming from a valid fear of a violent, expansionist religion that threatens our way of life. Antisemitism is on the other hand is often irrational and based on hatred of Jews as a people and ethnicity rather than criticism of Judaism.

    1. "Any dislike of Muslims is coming from a valid fear of a violent, expansionist religion that threatens our way of life. Antisemitism is on the other hand is often irrational and based on hatred of Jews as a people and ethnicity rather than criticism of Judaism."

      This is an irrational fear of Muslims. I do agree that anti-semitism is significantly more problematic among European Muslims than other groups, but even then, it is wrong to categorize the entire group as if they are all anti-Semites.

      The author was not dismissing this problem. She was merely questioning whether people on the far-right are actually genuinely concerned about anti-semitism, or are finding an excuse to merely browbeat Muslims and advance a xenophobic agenda. She also notes that the same actors that are Islamophobic also spew anti-Semitism, demonstrating that fighting one also requires fighting the other.

  3. absolutely true. while antisemitism is real, it has become conflated in statistics with anti zionism and anti israel. they are completely different things.
    it is like saying that being against the taliban is being against all muslim people, which is ridiculous. sometimes gouvernments do fascist stuff, if fighting fascism becomes taboo because a particular group of people do it who identify as jew, muslim, or any religion or nationality, this leads to simply everything being allowed for any particular group who is deemed 'good in themselves', not dissimilar from how the US acted during the cold war treating US capitalism as 'good in itself' and the goal that justifies the means (the magic word: realpolitik). i am not saying the rule of law is the end all be all, icc, human rights watch etc.. in the end we have to find that freedom and compassion and wisdom in ourselves to remove the causes of such fascism or give depth to our will for justice, as any group of people is capable of terrible things (especially when authority is involved, as stanford experiment showed). many of the countries who critisize israel have been part in some way or other in ethnic violence, colonialism, fascism, antisemitism, and so on... so while the acts of israel have to be stopped, we should not look blindly either, and treat them as evil in themselves. there has to be a way out. and this can only be through nourishing the good in those who act evil. while holding their arms to prevent them from violence, pull out the poison that made it happen, remove the conditions for violence for both parties. whether they are material, psychological, sociological or political or any other. and ultimately to create opportunities to heal, and protect those who want to do violence from themselves, when all injustice has gone, and only memories and trauma remain.
    this is not something that can depend on either the US, which has proven itself a rogue state, an untrustworthy ally, in the middle east (amongst many places), nor on Israel. and frankly not on hamas either. perhaps if the UN was stronger, and was not dominated by the US, it would have capabilities here, to at least start disentangling this conflict, which in the long run might lead to a new world war, as some powerplayers seem to be hoping for it (putin being one of them),
    netanyahu seems to be just the guy, who might create such chaos in the world, especially as he has nukes. and give the military industiral complex a strong hit of that drug of power and money.
    he is a coward though, so i doubt he will actually use nukes, unless the US allows them to.

  4. Me: “Tell me your ancestors were Nazis without telling me your ancestors were Nazis.”

    Sanne Van Oosten: “Hold my beer you uppity Jew! How dare you live in your indigenous land and defend your right to exist! Also, who gave you the right to define the racism you experience?”

    Europeans are truly cuckoo for Coco puffs.

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