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Politics and Religion

Judeonationalism: calling out antisemitism to discredit Muslims

June 24, 2024

🌊 Czech coat and Slovak cassock in illiberal movements

May 3, 2024

Denmark has banned the burning of holy books to protect its multicultural society

January 11, 2024

♟️Authoritarianism and religion come around again

December 20, 2023

Burning a holy book: the dilemma of free speech

August 18, 2023
August 7, 2023

Has the Hindu majority developed a ‘Nazi conscience’ in India?

Amit Singh Emboldened by the support of the State, Hindu nationalists have unleashed violent attacks on religious minorities in India. Constant state propaganda and communal violence have led to the development of a ‘Nazi conscience’ among the Hindu majority, which now perceives violence to be morally righteous, argues Amit Singh Read more
July 5, 2023

🦋 Between Luther and Montesquieu: the Church of Norway's democracy

Helge K. Nylenna Democracy as a basic structure in organisational life is a given in most Western NGOs. However, church doctrine challenges the Montesquieuan principle that the body of the people possess the supreme power. Still, with reference to the Norwegian case, Helge Nylenna argues that, like other NGOs, churches can be democratic Read more
July 4, 2023

⛓️ Resolving the tension between academic freedom and EDI

Tariq Modood We must find a way to uphold academic freedom and freedom of expression while embracing equality, diversity, and inclusion, including multiculturalism. Tariq Modood proposes a framework for distinguishing between Islamophobia and reasonable criticism of Islam and Muslims. This can serve as a foundation for the desired equilibrium Read more
June 27, 2023

Which voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic?

Sanne van Oosten We know that voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic. However, they also project their own ideas about LGBTQ+ rights onto politicians. Sanne van Oosten examines which of these voter tendencies are likely to prevail with which voters, and argues that both strength and type of opinion matter Read more
April 18, 2023

Hindu nationalists' strategy of ‘othering’

Soumi Banerjee Soumi Banerjee describes how Hindu nationalists are using ‘othering’ and ‘identity signifiers’ to appeal to a broad section of India's fractured population. This, she argues, lies at the root of current religious tensions Read more

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