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June 24, 2024

Judeonationalism: calling out antisemitism to discredit Muslims

Sanne van Oosten Accusations of antisemitism are an effective strategy to discredit Muslims and their views, argues Sanne van Oosten. This 'Judeonationalism' mirrors other forms of instrumentalisation of vulnerable groups. 'Femonationalism' and 'homonationalism', for example, exploit gender equality and gay rights to marginalise cultural others, particularly Muslims Read more
February 21, 2024

‘Democratic’ governments exploit protests to increase attacks on citizens' right to resist

Joseph Ward The rise of authoritarian politics in ‘formal democracies’ across Europe has been met with various forms of protest. Some of these movements have achieved partial success. But evidence from the UK and France suggests that neoliberal governments are harnessing such resistance to accelerate authoritarianism and hostility towards marginalised people, write Joseph Ward and Thomas Da Costa Vieira Read more
August 18, 2023

Burning a holy book: the dilemma of free speech

Azher Hameed Qamar Sweden has seen several Quran-burning incidents, which can reinforce anti-religious discourses and politicised campaigns against religious minorities. It can also put Swedish multicultural harmony at risk. Laws permitting this must be interpreted in the best interest of the people and their holistic well-being, argues Azher Hameed Qamar Read more
July 4, 2023

⛓️ Resolving the tension between academic freedom and EDI

Tariq Modood We must find a way to uphold academic freedom and freedom of expression while embracing equality, diversity, and inclusion, including multiculturalism. Tariq Modood proposes a framework for distinguishing between Islamophobia and reasonable criticism of Islam and Muslims. This can serve as a foundation for the desired equilibrium Read more
November 4, 2022

How far-right groups survive against all the odds

Sabine Volk Germany’s largest far-right protest movement, PEGIDA, this month celebrates eight years of mobilisation and protest activity. Its survival, argues Sabine Volk, is a puzzle not explained by social movement theory. She explores an overlooked explanatory factor: PEGIDA's repetitive protest ritual Read more
October 31, 2022

🌊 Hindutva fascism threatens the world’s largest democracy

Amit Singh In India, fascism is reinventing itself. It has crept through Hindu nationalism – Hindutva – and now poses a serious threat to Indian democracy, writes Amit Singh Read more
September 23, 2022

Indian Muslim minorities suffer persecution from revived Hindu populism and nationalism

Amit Singh The hegemonic rise of Hindu nationalism and Hindu populism in India has trapped Indian Muslim minorities. The secular Indian state appears to be developing into a Hindu authoritarian state, and one where violence against Muslims is normalised, argues Amit Singh Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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