Luca Doll
The European Union has disengaged from search and rescue in the Mediterranean, outsourcing its border management to a third state and effectively criminalising NGOs that step into the gap. This, writes Luca Doll, is a policy that needs urgent review Read more
Angie Gago
From 2014, ECJ decisions on welfare access have departed significantly from previous case law. Angie Gago and Francesco Maiani analyse two Court dialogues, one with the EU legislator, the other with national authorities Read more
Danilo Di Mauro
The refugee crisis has led to changes in EU migration policy management. But effective reform of the so-called Dublin System that could resolve the crisis has so far eluded the EU. To understand the prospects for change, Danilo di Mauro and Vincenzo Memoli argue that we should examine how public opinion influences political parties, and elites Read more
Gala Naseva
A lack of state initiatives to curb unemployment among young people in the Western Balkans has resulted in the highest emigration rate in Europe, writes Gala Naseva — and the pandemic is making matters worse for this vulnerable group Read more
Verena Wisthaler
Regions and cities worldwide are increasingly engaging in immigrant integration policy making, challenging or complementing central and federal governments’ policies, and turning immigrants into citizens, writes Verena Wisthaler Read more
Irene Landini
The Austrian government's openly discriminatory policies against migrants have been invalidated by the Constitutional Court and challenged by the European Commission. But, argues Irene Landini, that has not ended ‘welfare chauvinism’ and social exclusion, either in Austria or elsewhere in Europe Read more
Ranjan Saha Partha
In Bangladesh, attitudes towards overseas migration have changed from ‘hero to zero’ during the spread of Covid-19. Ranjan Saha Partha and Nurul Huda Sakib explain why Read more
Faria Ahmed
While advanced western states grapple with an unprecedented pandemic, the fate of nations on the periphery is being largely overlooked. In Bangladesh, for example, a pre-existing humanitarian crisis is exacerbated by a public health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19. This is prompting rising challenges for – and tensions between – Rohingya refugees and host communities in Bangladesh, write Faria Ahmed and Nurul Huda Sakib Read more
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