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September 23, 2022

Indian Muslim minorities suffer persecution from revived Hindu populism and nationalism

Amit Singh The hegemonic rise of Hindu nationalism and Hindu populism in India has trapped Indian Muslim minorities. The secular Indian state appears to be developing into a Hindu authoritarian state, and one where violence against Muslims is normalised, argues Amit Singh Read more
September 9, 2022

How Pakistan’s conservative foreign policy has damaged its national interests

Raza Rahman Khan Qazi Pakistan’s foreign policy over the decades has proved disastrous for the country and has had a profound negative impact on the South Asian region, argues Raza R. Khan Qazi. Its policy has had a consistently conservative formulation based on purely realist objectives, with no place for liberal ideals and goals Read more
July 14, 2022

India’s soft power diplomacy in the Modi era

Shreeya Patil Soft power diplomacy has always been important to India, as the world’s largest democracy, with a rich heritage, culture and ambitious aspirations. This has never more so than under the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Shreeya Patil explores the different facets of this important form of diplomacy Read more
February 16, 2022

Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent democratic theory

Ramin Jahanbegloo Ramin Jahanbegloo explores how Mahatma Gandhi’s non-western democratic theory prescribes empathetic emancipation through nonviolent action. Gandhi sought to bring about a truly democratic transformation of society, thereby securing an ethical social order Read more
October 20, 2021

🌊 Civil society organisations under pressure in the world’s biggest democracy

Soumi Banerjee Soumi Banerjee and Rishi Jha argue that the rising wave of illiberalism is causing a shift in state-civil society relationships around the world. In contemporary India, the government often targets NGOs, resulting in the partial or complete seizure of operations Read more
May 21, 2021

'I can't breathe!' – but this time, it's India

Vittorio Bufacchi India is the seventh-richest country in the world. Yet it recently recorded the highest-ever daily death toll from Covid-19. It's a disaster, write Vittorio Bufacchi and Urmi Bhattacharyya, caused by India’s gross inequalities, along with misguided political decisions and policies throughout the country's pandemic response Read more

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