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Soft power and India’s changing approach to Israel under Modi

May 1, 2024

🌈 De-democratisation in South Asia weakens gender equality

March 7, 2024

Heteronormative policies in India and Switzerland

November 9, 2023

Has the Hindu majority developed a ‘Nazi conscience’ in India?

August 7, 2023

🌊 Karnataka: a sign of hope for India's democratic backsliding

May 31, 2023
May 26, 2023

🦋 Bhimrao Ambedkar as theorist of democracy

Scott R. Stroud Bhimrao Ambedkar was many things, and is often known as a political activist and an anti-caste thinker. In addition, Scott R. Stroud positions Ambedkar as a theorist of democracy who extends the pragmatist tradition Read more
April 19, 2023

🔮 Narendra Modi: India's 'vulnerable' strongman populist leader

Proma Raychaudhury Focusing on Narendra Modi’s populist leadership in India, Proma Ray Chaudhury argues that displays of vulnerability by strongman populist leaders can offer insights into the resilience of populist regimes Read more
April 18, 2023

Hindu nationalists' strategy of ‘othering’

Soumi Banerjee Soumi Banerjee describes how Hindu nationalists are using ‘othering’ and ‘identity signifiers’ to appeal to a broad section of India's fractured population. This, she argues, lies at the root of current religious tensions Read more
March 8, 2023

Anti-sexual harassment policies in the workplace: lessons from India

Anukriti Dixit Legal compliance is crucial for effective anti-sexual harassment legislation. But Anukriti Dixit shows how a focus on compliance disregards caste, sexual orientation or religious status. These neglected hierarchies inherent in anti-sexual harassment policies are key to combatting sexual harassment the workplaces of India Read more
October 31, 2022

🌊 Hindutva fascism threatens the world’s largest democracy

Amit Singh In India, fascism is reinventing itself. It has crept through Hindu nationalism – Hindutva – and now poses a serious threat to Indian democracy, writes Amit Singh Read more

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